Who Is Gonna Love Me (Hal David-Burt Bacharach) Copyright 1967 Blue Seas Music Inc. and Jac Music Co. Inc. Bm7 E9 Am7 Bm7 E7 E7sus Cmaj7 C Who is gon-na love me? Not you. You will be gone, and here I will Bm7 Em7 Cmaj7 C D D9sus stay all a-lone and I'll just waste a way wondering Bm7 E9 Am7 D6 D9sus D6 D9sus Who is gonna hold me and keep me warm when I'm cold Em7 A9 Dmaj7 Em7 A9sus Who will I wake up for through all those lone-ly Dmaj7 B9sus B7 B9sus G#m7 years? No one to wake up for but C#m7 Tacet F#7 Tacet F#m7 Tacet B9 Tacet sleep won't come to end these tears and Bm7 E9 Am7 Bm7 E7 E7sus who is gon-na kiss me if you walk out the door Cmaj7 C Bm7 Em7 Cmaj7 C D There'll be no one new. Not for me cause my whole life is you. D9sus Bm7 E9 Am7 D6 D9sus Darling, if you don't wanna love me there's just no use D6 D9sus D6 D9sus D6 hangin on for without your love every thing is D9sus D9sus G Gone. Gone for me.