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by pljms
Fri Mar 28, 2025 7:47 pm
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert
Replies: 19
Views: 13971

Re: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert

Checking the setlist for the LA show published in it corroborated the list in the Variety review and so it seems that the inclusion of 'You Don't Have To Say You Love Me' wasn't an error and it was indeed performed in the show. The inclusion of a non-Bacharach song in a tribute show to th...
by pljms
Thu Mar 27, 2025 4:52 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert
Replies: 19
Views: 13971

Re: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert

Here's a review of the show in LA and it's surprising just how many songs Todd Rundgren gets to perform, including two or three I just wouldn't have expected. Paul, thanks for postin...
by pljms
Wed Mar 26, 2025 8:21 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert
Replies: 19
Views: 13971

Re: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert

Here's a review of the show in LA and it's surprising just how many songs Todd Rundgren gets to perform, including two or three I just wouldn't have expected. ... 236347936/
by pljms
Sun Mar 23, 2025 4:06 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Songs written by others with familiar Bacharach titles
Replies: 10
Views: 12937

Re: Songs written by others with familiar Bacharach titles

'Close To You' as written by Jay Livingston, Al Hoffman and Carl Lampl and first recorded in 1943 by Frank Sinatra is given the bossa nova treatment in Brenda Lee's recording from 1967.
by pljms
Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:14 pm
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Jerry Butler 1939-2025
Replies: 3
Views: 3080

Jerry Butler 1939-2025

The news of Jerry Butler's death last week at the age of 85 seems to have flown under the radar and I've only just found out via the Secondhand Songs website. The significance of his classic original hit version of Make It Easy On Yourself in 1962 can't be overestimated because it featured an arrang...
by pljms
Tue Feb 25, 2025 5:14 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: R.I.P. Roberta Flack
Replies: 4
Views: 5317

Re: R.I.P. Roberta Flack

I think it's a bit unfair to refer to a record that reached No.13 on the US Billboard Hot 100 as a "non-hit", although 'Making Love' did nothing in the UK and in fact I don't even remember hearing it played on the radio. With her beautiful intonation and seemingly perfect pitch it's not su...
by pljms
Thu Feb 13, 2025 9:39 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Put Your Links Here! (if you want)
Replies: 1321
Views: 1993836

Re: Put Your Links Here! (if you want)

The Henry Mancini-esque 'Lisa' has always been a bit of an anomaly in Bacharach's recorded output and maybe that accounts for the dearth of cover versions. Here's one of only two recordings of the song other than Burt's and it's a jazzy instrumental interpretation.
by pljms
Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:32 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968 (And other Webb-related topics)
Replies: 16
Views: 37674

Re: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968 (And other Webb-related topics)

Make what you will of this extract from an interview JW gave earlier this week. As an incurably grumpy old man who has read this too many times over the past thirty- how-many-years now? , I just groaned: Part of what may come out in the coming year for Webb is new music and a sequel to “The Cake an...
by pljms
Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:07 pm
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert
Replies: 19
Views: 13971

Re: What The World Needs Now: The Burt Bacharach Songbook In Concert

Here's a slightly lengthier version of the video promo by Todd Rundgren that was previously posted.
by pljms
Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:53 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Put Your Links Here! (if you want)
Replies: 1321
Views: 1993836

Re: Put Your Links Here! (if you want)

Hearing the news that Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul And Mary fame had passed away a few days ago reminded me that he was the featured vocalist on 'The Young Grow Younger Every Day' from Bacharach's 'Futures' album. Although the song contains one killer Bacharahian chord change in the verses I've alway...
by pljms
Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:50 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Looking for digitized albums with Burt singing
Replies: 2
Views: 3469

Re: Looking for digitized albums with Burt singing

It's curious but the same enquiry with almost identical wording was posted on here several years ago by someone called teejay and of course the response is the same now as it was then. Burt sang on only eight tracks across his nine studio albums released between 1965 and 2005, so not nearly enough f...
by pljms
Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:27 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968 (And other Webb-related topics)
Replies: 16
Views: 37674

Re: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968 (And other Webb-related topics)

I saw Glen Campbell's daughter Ashley with her partner Thor Jensen at the Bull's Head in Barnes a few weeks back and they performed a highly impressive set, despite not including either of the two Jimmy Webb songs they've been known to perform. One of those is 'The Highwayman' and the other is 'Care...
by pljms
Fri Nov 29, 2024 8:46 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968 (And other Webb-related topics)
Replies: 16
Views: 37674

Re: Jimmy Webb performing on TV in 1968

I was going to post the sad news that singer Leah Kunkel had died on the Jimmy Webb forum only to find that after four or five months that it's still disabled. She's well known to Webb fans for her vocals on 'Our Movie' from his 'Angel Heart' album and for being one of only two artists to cover his ...
by pljms
Wed Nov 06, 2024 2:47 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: R.I.P. Quincy Jones
Replies: 2
Views: 5103

Re: R.I.P. Quincy Jones

Burt liked to tell the story of questioning arranger Quincy Jones as to why Frank Sinatra's recording of 'Wives And Lovers' was in 4/4 and receiving the explanation that the Count Basie Orchestra couldn't play in waltz time. Nice one Quincy.