Search found 5 matches

by Sara Dale
Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:16 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Ron Isley's version of 'Raindrops'
Replies: 3
Views: 5763

Re Ron Isley's version of 'Raindrops'

Whenever I hear 'Raindrops' slowed down like this it always makes me think of 'MacArthur Park'! Just sing the chorus of 'MP' followed by 'Raindrops' and you may also see the similarity.
by Sara Dale
Wed May 19, 2004 2:25 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Donna McKechnie BBC radio interview
Replies: 1
Views: 5342

Re Donna McKechnie interview

Having missed her cabaret performance at the Pizza on the Park last month I was glad I caught the interview. She came across as a remarkably positive and brave person, especially in the light of having had to deal with being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the height of her career. I remember...
by Sara Dale
Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:13 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Ron Meets Burt Album - Why no UK release yet?
Replies: 1
Views: 5611

Re Ron and Burt's album

I paid £20 for an import copy in London's HMV store because I got fed up waiting. As it turned out, it was worth every extra penny. Beautiful and affecting and it had this old bird blubbing into her wine more than once.
by Sara Dale
Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:57 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Gotta love Elton too!
Replies: 6
Views: 9202

To answer the original question

No, it's definitely possible to be a Bacharach fan and detest the music of Elton John! Well, most of it anyway. I've personally always had a problem with him trying to sound like he comes from one of the southern states, when in fact he hails from Pinner in south London! Then there's the 'vanilla' c...
by Sara Dale
Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:47 am
Forum: The Burt Bacharach Forum
Topic: Burt Bacharach BBC 2 Interview Pt. 2
Replies: 6
Views: 13597

The BBC Radio Bacharach Doc

I agree with PLJMS. They should have spent more time on Bacharach's years with Carole Bayer Sager. Despite what we might feel about the overall quality of their work together, 11-12 years and 7 US Top 40 hits, including 3 No.1s, shouldn't have been disposed of in a matter of minutes. And yes, why do...