Good luck!

1. " doubts, no fears..."
2. "pecking on a chicken bone"
3. "eichelberger's address"
4. "day by day, they make their way"
5. "naked trees bend stubbornly"
6. "so far away is the April breeze"
7. They're closin' in, they're closin' in"
8. "if good fortune deserts us..."
9. "...fixed in that fine silver frame..."
10. "a smile... a joke... and oh such a great big line"
11. "When I'm hurt, I revert"
12. "Someone he's proud to come home to"
13. "...ooh, what a far-out lady"
14. "I would like to try it"
15. "your stomach's full"
16. "I'm afraid my heart isn't very smart"
17. "instead of holding him close to me, I let him slip away"
18. "Maybe I'll be the things I dream... and not the things I see"
19. "She'll complain a bit... because she feels upset."
20. "There's just no use... Why try to make an excuse?"