What do you think?

The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

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What do you think?

Post by Andrew »

I am aware that the people who contribute to this forum are from all over the world, but as Americans, I would be interested to know what you think of Burt expressing his political opinions at this stage in his life.

Post by Guest »

Doesn't seem like a good idea considering what he has to lose and what fans who may think differently may lose as well.

But I respect his right to do as he wishes, of course, and regret that some do not understand that it is not his fault if he is famous and wishes to speak his mind. He probably regrets as much that he has so much to lose when he wants to speak his mind as he enjoys being able to express his views to a wider audience. So it is not costless to him; he is not just riding the wave of fame; he wants to say how he feels, what he thinks, and, given that he is willing to pay his share of the cost (even if some of it is imposed on some fans), shouldn't be kept from doing it just because he is famous.

Nobody has to agree with him. And very few know enough (to reach an informed judgement) about such extremely complex issues as whether, ex ante, the war on Iraq promised to reduce or to increase the vulnerability of the Western world to terrorism. So most of those who will disagree with Burt are completely ignorant on the subject and should be more humble -- even if they feel no need to shy away from expressing their views and, without having ever done anything to improve the quality of our lives, wish they were famous enough to make their views heard by a large audience.

Finally, and veering off topic a bit, none of what Burt said is inconsistent with him being a libertarian, which is completely different from being a liberal, of course. People are too quick to pass judgement. Libertarians may side with conservatives (consensual economic relations -- e.g., free trade) or with liberals (consensual personal relations -- e.g., no laws against sodomy).

Post by nymusicalsguy »

> But I respect his right to do as he wishes, of course, and regret that
> some do not understand that it is not his fault if he is famous and
> wishes to speak his mind.

Very well said, Guest! Regardless of whether or not we personally agree with Burt's views, he's entitled to them, and shows every sign of being an intelligent, informed person who has thought carefully about expressing himself. Other than via his gorgeous melodies for such songs as "Be Aware" and "The Windows of the World", Burt has studiously avoided making political statements of any kind; obviously the actions of this administration have affected him in some way, as they have so many others. I respect Burt for maintaining his dignity and class over the years, and I respect him for airing his views. But as always, The Man expresses himself most fully through music, and I can't wait to hear what he has up his sleeve for AT THIS TIME -- which, btw, he seems to have penned most of the lyrics/raps himself. This album appears to be a very personal statement for Burt, and I hope it proves a worthy addition to a very special, very heartfelt canon.
Proud American

Post by Proud American »

What do I think?

"Shut up and sing, Burt."

No one gives a rip what he thinks of the President.

re Burt's political views

Post by Guest »

It's about!

Back in the 60's and 70's he was so much part of the "revolution" that his only competition was Leonard Berstein. Now, in the throes of Rightwing America and its phoney - baloney patriotism, Burt understandably needs to speak out since his songs such as "What the World Needs Now" seems insufficient to the task.

So there! If you don't like it, go listen to Frank Sinatra!!!!!

From a Guest -- right now . . . but later I might move in and never leave!!!! (Especially if I ever learn how to hide those tags!
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