How's everyone doing?

The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

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How's everyone doing?

Post by mark »

Sorry I've been absent for the past few weeks, but between working from home, homeschooling our daughter and dealing with an aged parent in a nursing home, I haven't had much time for fun. I hope everyone is well and safe and making the best of this awful situation. To my friends in Italy and New York--and everywhere else hit hard by the pandemic--I can't imagine how difficult the last month has been. I hope everybody's okay. It's been stressful here in New Orleans, but I'm lucky to be able to work from home and avoid most social contact. I can't say enough how appreciative I am of all our essential workers, not just those on the front lines like doctors and nurses but also the low-paid workers stocking grocery store shelves, delivering packages and taking care of old or disabled people. I'm hopeful things will get better sooner rather than later, but I'm afraid we're in for at least another month and a half of this.
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by Marcel »

Hello Mark, great to read that everything is okay with you! Take care!
I am fine too but at the moment i am sick at home (flu) and because of the covid-19 it is not allowed to go at work.
But i feel much better now.

Kind regards,

Marcel :D
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by pljms »

Good to know you're ok, Mark. Like everyone else here in the UK I'm keeping my head down and trying to abide by the rules regarding self-isolation. For me it's not a huge problem as long as I have plenty of books to read, music to listen to, a TV to watch and a garden to retreat to. However, I know some people are really struggling with the self-Isolation and the likelihood of it going on for several more weeks. I'm thinking of young professional people with busy social lives whose lifestyle has had to change dramatically. There's bound to be many of these who'll start to suffer psychological problems the longer the lockdown goes on.
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Mark, great to hear from you !
Wishing everyone on the "forum" and elsewhere a safe passage through these very difficult times.
Especially Burt. :)

Stay safe,
Jan R.
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by Jan R. »

I'm okay, and I hope this goes for all of you out there.

And thanks, Mark, for keeping this forum going!

Greetings from Pittsburgh
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by gabba »

Hello in Italy is quite a mess and I cannot imagine or maybe I do ,about what’s going on in the States more than in others civilized countries.i had news from Burt .he and his family are ok so far. As long the other guys of the and my wife are following the restricted intructions but there are several people that don’t.maintaining this quarantine is the only recipe,for the moment, to get better and live with the virus,until they won’t find the vaccine.please you all: don’t take advantage of your sense of immortality.this is the toughest thing ever.stay home and fight with your intelligence and not with your instinct.bye from your Armando
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by mark »

Everybody's welcome to believe whatever they want to believe, but please don't use the forum to promote conspiracy theories. That's not the point of this thread and this isn't the time or place for it.
Sara D
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Re: How's everyone doing?

Post by Sara D »

I'm sure we're all finding different ways in responding and coping with this unique situation and all those things we appreciated and perhaps took for granted before all this will be even more appreciated when all the restrictions are eventually lifted. Because it gets me out of the house as part of my 'essential exercise', walking the dog these past few weeks has never felt less like a chore!
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