Some first impressions:
Overall the LP has an almost dreamlike quality to it. With some very familiar Bacharach sounds and some very fresh shadings as well, mostly in the form of the drum loops.
He uses John, Josie and Donna on 7 of the 11 tracks to one degree or another. Very effectively, I think. The Greek Chorus...if you will.
We have all heard the most political statements on the BBC2 taping. I'm afraid all of the hoopla on the forum is for naught. As The Guardian said: George Bush will survive this storm, as will Burt.
The first side is definitely more political while the second is classic Bacharach a la Woman/Futures. You can certainly tell he put a lot of thought and passion into the project. Will At This Time get Burt a bevy of new found followers? Probably not. Will it get a lot of airplay? Probably not. Is it classic Bacharach? Absolutely. The fan based will be very pleased especially those of us who think Woman/Futures is some of his best work.
Side One:
Please Explain- Interesting to hear where he takes this tune from the snippet heard on BB2. Much more complex musically than expected. Maybe a little heavy handed on the Synth. I do LOVE the way he used Josie, John and Donna on the out-tro.
Where Did It Go- This is probably my favorite on the entire LP. Great orchestration...full, rich, for my money probably the most fully realized track on the LP. Bacharach's vocal is so impassioned. What we didn't hear on the BBC2 is the second verse, where he 'raps' about his children and the mess we are in.
In Our Time- Eh. Maybe it's a grower, not a shower.
Who Are These People- The second verse of this is ALL about John Pagano. He absolutley tears it up. Make's one wish Burt would do an LP with just John.
Is Love Enough- Heavy drum loops, heavy Synth but my how Burt takes it's to another level with the violins, violas, and oboes. Only Bacharach.
Can't Give It Up- A reworking of the Ron Isley riff (I love you so much and I need your touch, don't ever go) from Isley's The Look Of Love (one of my personal favorites).
Side Two:
Go Ask Shakespeare- A reworking of the The Last Three Minutes from the Chris Botti LP A 1000 Kisses Deep which segues into the Rufus Wainwright vocal (outstanding).
Dreams- Heavy on the Botti (thank goodness I am a fan).
Danger- Heavy Dre loop on this tune. Almost has an And The People/Futures sound to it. With a very soulful, melancholy violin/flugelhorn solo.
Fade Away- Sounds like it could have come straight off of Woman, with a little hint of Lost Horizon thrown in for good measure. Classic Bacharach. Brief Josie James solo sounding very Sally Stevens. Beautiful work, Josie.
Always Taking Aim- Again, I am reminded of Futures. Which is a very good thing considering I never thought we'd ever hear that type of music from the maestro again.
Humbily sumitted,
A fan
ATT-a fan's review (Back to the music)
Moderator: mark
Yes!!! This review makes me so excited to hear the new disc. I definitely believe that Futures and Woman are some of Bacharach's best work.
Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the review.