EJO wrote: Maybe the 8-track tape wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Heh, no kidding.

Even mangled cassettes have a certain appeal after all this.
As it stands, I'm boycotting ANY version of this album, even an import, until Sony/BMG quits insulting us U.S. buyers, and I'm urging others to do so. As I mentioned, the new Neil Diamond CD will have this malware--oops, copy protection--on the new CD, as will the upcoming Santana release (which I believe is on Arista, another Sony/BMG label). For its part, Amazon has listed the Diamond and Santana CDs as having copy protection, so fortunately that red flag kept me from ordering these.
I just think it's an insult to us, and it also denies us of the
fair use we were entitles to, to make copies of our purchased music for our own use.
If anyone here was unforutnate enough to slip the CD into a computer drive, and have the Sony/BMG malware installed on the computer (which apparently replaces some of your device drivers with their own, without the user's knowledge), go to this site to remove it:
Yeah, I know...I can copy the CD in my dual-well deck and use that copy in my computer, but I shouldn't have to. And I doubt Sony/BMG is going to reimburse me for the 25 cents for a blank CD.
Sorry, Mr. Bacharach...