Burt WINS The Grammy!

The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

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Burt WINS The Grammy!

Post by Guest »

Congratulations Burt on a most deserved Grammy win! You da man!

Post by guest »

they just confirmed what we already knew...congratulations to burt...long live the maestro

Post by guest »

Aretha also won for a house is not a home. Is this the same song i am hoping it is or some other version or something???
An Enormous BB Fan
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Post by An Enormous BB Fan »

I am so happy for Burt! He so deserved this award.

I also wish to say a word to all the reviewers who panned this CD: I'm sorry you just didn't "get it". Better luck next time.

(And to the person above: That was Burt & Hal's song that Aretha sang.)
Roberto Pinardi

Bravo maestro!

Post by Roberto Pinardi »

At this Time: great LP/CD

Thanks Burt!

Bravo Maestro


Post by Guest »

He who laughs last...where are all the critics, neo-cons, doubters,and nere-do-wells now?
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Re Grammy win

Post by pljms »

Oh, the Irony. Can there ever have been an 'instrumental' album whose lyrics have caused such controversy?! I'm delighted for BB because it's obvious how much he cherishes these awards, but half a million more sales of the album would have been more meaningful.
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Was Burt's Grammy Presentation Televised??

Post by Martyn »


Congratulations to Burt!

Just wondered if anyone saw Burt receive his Grammy during the Grammys telecast.

Here in Australia won't see the awards until Friday evening. If I know that Burt's appearance as a recipient (or perhaps as a presenter too) is during the televised part of the show, I'll be sure to record the proceedings.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by mark »

Anonymous wrote:He who laughs last...where are all the critics, neo-cons, doubters,and nere-do-wells now?
Did you happen to read Burt's comments before the ceremony? I'm afraid they might be paying us a return visit...

Post by Bill »

Mark, if you would, please elaborate on your last comment. I've been a little "out of the loop" lately.
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Post by mark »

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- He won for best instrumental album, but composer Burt Bacharach had plenty to say at the 48th annual Grammy Awards, particularly about the war in Iraq.

''I've never seen times like we've got right now,'' he said backstage, his young children by his side. ''This is the future I'm leaving behind for these kids and I'm concerned because I think we've really made a mess of it.''

Bacharach, who won for ''At This Time,'' accused President Bush of leading the United States into war by ''lying'' that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

''I never like to be lied to by a girlfriend or agent, and certainly not the president of the United States,'' he said. ''I'm very concerned, as we all should be. That's why the album is called 'At This Time.'''
This board got slammed by angry conservatives after Burt's comments in September about President Bush and Iraq War. Hopefully, they've moved on to newer, more threatening targets.

At This Time CD

Post by Guest »

Come on anti war album big deal. The album has good music, and I could care less about the lyrics. Love the album and the music grows on you the more you listen to it. With all the controversy..... which i don't think anyone knows about, except music critics and die heart fans, you would think Burt has commited a crime. Take the album for what its worth good good music and melody. If you bought this album and had no prior info that this was against the war, I don't think you would come to that conclusion after hearing it for the first time. Anti war statement good marketing tool but thats about it. You could have given me this album with no lyrics and some back up singing and it would have been just as satisfying. I did enjoy Burts voice on Where Did It Go? One last thing.......do people enjoy hearing Elvis Costello sing? I don't.
Thanks for the music Burt,,, hope you have a few more Grammy's in the future.
Big Burt Fan.


Post by NoahW »

YAY. Burt Bacharach keeps the torch aflame for good music. I'm glad that he was recognized with a Grammy. "At This Time" is well deserving of the award.
The album is addictive. It grows on you and grows on you and doesn't stop. The one complaint I still have is that I just can't stand Elvis Costello's voice. Other than that, it's pop perfection.


Post by gabba »

i actually dare to say that Elvis Costello (with all my respect to him and to Burt)sounds hoarse and out of range..by the way i'm absolutely affectionate at the cd yet!!
Afterwards Bacharach's songs never been easy to sing...
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