Tom Jones/Us

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Tom Jones/Us

Post by KeithBurke »

Joe, Kyle, Bill and Vincent...
Here it is as it was intended to be heard (320 bit rate).

Tom Jones (1975) Us:
Last edited by KeithBurke on Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tom Jones Us

Post by An Enormous BB Fan »

KeithBurke wrote:Joe, Kyle, Bill and Vincent...
Here it is as it was intended to be heard (320 bit rate).

Tom Jones (1975) Us: ... D811AEFF0C
Wow! I love it! I never heard this one before. I do have a comment on it: It has a "Lost Horizon" feel to it, almost like it could have been a song in that movie. And it was written, I assume (by the date), around that time, too, so it makes sense.

Thanks again for sharing it with us!
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Post by KeithBurke »

An Enormous BB Fan,
Always a pleasure to share with "the group". Having only heard the Futures version for nearly 30 years the Tom Jones version seems remarkably subdued (especially for Tom Jones). It is growing on me more and more each day.
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Reply: KeithBurke

Post by vincent.cole »

:D KeithBurke;

It was refreshing to hear another version! 8)

Take care;

David Young
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Tom JOnes - US

Post by David Young »

The very first rendition of `Us` I remember hearing was by Burt who sang the song on the Dinah Shore Show in 1977. It was during the conversation with Dinah Shore that the then new album `Futures` was discussed. I can recall that Dinah told Burt that Bobby Shew played the trumpet solo during the song and Burt acknowledged the trumpet player with a ` bravo Bobby`. Although Bobby Shew did not feature on the ~Futures~ album he did turn up on Burt`s follow up album `Woman`.

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the spoiled one!

Post by gabba »

sorry bout that..don't think i'm spoiled..but the recording sounds to me a little "strange" it me or is it possible to get a better one?..thanks anyway for that..cheers to KEITHBURKE..GABBA
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Post by KeithBurke »

I checked the download again and there wasn't anything 'strange' about it. It is a fairly large file so maybe something interfered with it when you were downloading it the first time. Try again and if you still have a problem let me know and I'll send it directly to you.

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no problem..

Post by gabba »

the strange thing is a distorsion in Tom's voice and in the band when they playing "forte"..does'nt seems a 320 bit...nothin really serious and important but thanks for the answer and hear you soon..i'll try again..ciao GABBA
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Post by KeithBurke »

I checked with the sound engineer who transcribed the track from vinyl and he writes that what you are probably hearing is as follows: "there is a lot of analogue ambience left in there. They master recordings now so loud now you can't hear the ambience that recordings used to have, it used to be called analogue warmth... It's why when digital recording first became available in the late 70's many artists wouldn't go near it and many still don't..It's very brittle sounding. Analogue warmth can easily be heard as "distortion", especially to younger listeners who grew up on digital recordings".
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Post by gabba »

my goodness Keith!!'re so precise and you did'nt need to bother your sound engineer for that!..i like what you've done anyway and appreciate your is really a minimal thing..don't worry anymore ok? thanks my friend!!..GABBA
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Post by KeithBurke »

Not worried in the least, Gabba. I was only curious as to what 'distortion' you were hearing that I wasn't. Being an old fart and having grown up on vinyl the analogue warmth he spoke of sounded perfectly normal to me and I wanted his input as to what it was you were hearing as 'distortion' that I wasn't. His explanation made total sense to me and I wanted to share that information with you.
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Post by Andrew »

Nice one Keith - love it!
I didn't even know that version was in existence - and it does indeed grow on you.

Thanks, Andrew.
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