A novel Idea for a Concert...

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Steve Schenck
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A novel Idea for a Concert...

Post by Steve Schenck »

In one of the comments on the Pittsburgh concert, Steve_O noted that you don't have much of a chance of hearing "the B side" tunes at a Burt show. Songs like "As Long as There's an Apple Tree," "Who is Gonna Love Me" and "Whoever You Are, I Love You," those kinds of gems. Wouldn't it be great for Burt to do a whole concert JUST of the B sides, the rarely heard but often more intricate, sophisticated Burt melodies. I'd love that, along with a collection of his orchestral pieces without words. I'm thinking of pieces like "And the People Were With Her," "Another Spring Will Rise," "Woman," "Summer of 77," "New York Lady," and a few others. Maybe someday...
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Post by steveo_1965 »


That is a brilliant idea! I woulkd break my neck to go to a concert like that!

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a novel idea for a concert

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Steve, Steveo,
What a brilliant idea !!!
How about...Something Big, How Many Days Of Sadness, Be Aware,
Dream Sweet Dreamer, Come And Get Me, Loneliness Remembers,
I've Got My Mind Made Up, Long After To-night Is All Over, After All,
Pacific Coast Highway, When You Bring Your Sweet Love To Me,
South American Getaway, The Sundance Kid, Long Ago Tomorrow,
Juanita's Place, Looking With My Eyes (Seeing With My Heart)
Who Gets The Guy,Everybodys Out Of Town, Send My Picture To
Scranton P.A, And So Goodbye My Love.........and so many, many more !!

I Know some of these are "A" sides......but they are personal favourites.
Have any other members got theirs ?
It would be a concert made in heaven !!!

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Post by steveo_1965 »

Lets see, Blue...
You mentioned some tunes...
Out of the ones you mentioned...I would like to hear:
Loneliness Remembers, or as an alternative - Lifetime of Loneliness
Something Big
Pacific Coast Hghway (definite on that one)
I've Got My Mind Made Up(was that with Paul Anka?-I think so.
South American Getaway(he did this at least once in L.A. in 1970...
but it was difficult and he dropped it after showcasing the
Butch Cassidy material (it requires a lot of singers, but could be re-arranged.)
Long Ago Tomorrow
And So Goodbye My Love (I'd love to hear that, I love the non - vibrato strings under his piano solo. It's so simple, yet effective with those major seventh chords)
All of this would take some re-arranging of music charts, but it could be done! Rob Schroek, his co-arranger could help!
Thanks for your list, Blue!

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a novel idea for a concert

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Steveo,
You're wellcome !!!

Steve Schenck
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the quintessential bacharach-fan concert

Post by Steve Schenck »

A concert such as this is, for most of us, the most important kind. The public at large appreciates the "big" Bacharach/David hits, or Bacharach/and whoever hits. But I'd wager that only those of us who listen carefully, discerningly, appreciatively, to ALL those many tracks, can appreciate the subtle, hidden genious that is in those less popular and less commercially successful tracks. Indeed, some of us find even more delight in these gems than in the blockbuster hits. I love "This Guy's in Love with You," but a song like "I Just Have to Breathe" or "Where Knowledge Ends, Faith Begins" can draw me in and do things to me, stay with me, like nothing else. And the instrumental pieces... wow! I can listen to "Magdalena" and "Woman" and "Futures" and so many other tracks again and again and never grow weary. There is always something more to hear. Please, Burt, please major broadcast networks and cable divisions, think about a show like this!!! Apart from commercial possibilities, the artistic quality will rank so high and will long be remembered.
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Post by Alistair »

Or how about a "Loneliness" medley: "Loneliness Remembers What Happiness Forgets"/"Let Me Be Lonely"/"I Cry Alone"/"A Lifetime Of Loneliness"/"The Beginning Of Loneliness"?

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A novel idea for a concert

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Steve,
I seem to remember Burt doing the full version of "New York Lady"
at the Royal Festival Hall in London back in 1996, the same night
Noel Gallagher (Oasis) sang "This Guys In Love With You" and
superbly I might add !!

Take Care,
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how about these three

Post by BB4LIFE »

If I were attending a show like this I would definitely want to hear "Hasbrook Heights", "Me Japanese Boy I Love You", and "The Balance of Nature." These are three wonderful songs.

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You are Right, Steve

Post by steveo_1965 »

You are right about the hidden genius and subleties in a lot of Burt's

songs that didn't become"big".....

: )

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Post by cc »

don't forget "All Kinds of People". One of my favorities
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Post by steveo_1965 »


Burt used to close his show with that(All Kinds Of People)......in the early 70's -great number with euphonium solo in it (it's kind of like a low horn)
The curtains would slowly close over a long last chord of this song..with the harp glissandoing over it all. It was dynamic!

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A novel idea for a concert

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Everyone,
How about "In Tune" "I Don't Need You Anymore" "On The Beach"
and the fantastic "Find Love" from Burt's "Criminally" overlooked
"Together" soundtrack.............one of his "Long Lost Treasures" !!!

And not forgetting the incredible "I've Got My Mind Made Up" !!!
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Post by steveo_1965 »

I think thats the strongest song in my mind on the album - "Ive Got My Mind Made Up"
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A novel idea for a concert

Post by blueonblue »

Hi Everyone,
It would be wonderful to hear Burt perform the instrumental
version of "Lost Horizon" from the "Living Together" album.
Truly magnificent..........an absolute knock-out !!!
Worth the price of admission alone !!!

Take Care,
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