I'm gonna be at L.I. Concert Wooooooo Hoooooooo

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I'm gonna be at L.I. Concert Wooooooo Hoooooooo

Post by Alvina »

:lol: Hi to all of you. I haven't posted in awhile.........house had sooooo many things going on (they seem to come in three's) All repairs that required major work. Replumbing. new windows thoughout this old house.Pool repairs requiring tearing out some decking. Soooo I decided to do all the painting etc. It was fun for about 2 weeks then it went into the third month and if anyone says paint,slowlyyyyy I turn lol. I will say I had my stereo on full blast and lots of Burt music kept me going.

Anyway now the carrot has arrived. We have friends in Nassau county and he has gotten seats for us to the concert there. It is all I need to renew mind , body and spirit........well body is another thing lol.

The 2 couples coming with us have never seen a Burt concert, but have listened to me for lo these 25 years they have known me, rave about this man and his music. I've been a fan longer however.

I am hoping to see my friend Vincent once again.It's been awhile. He is the best ...keeping me and I am sure lots of others informed and I now have someone I feel is nuttier than I am. See i told my family i wasn't nuts Ha! Just teasing you Vincent.

He also tells me Mary Edwards will be there as well so I am hoping to finally meet her. I will try to let you all know where i am seated as soon as I know.

I wish Crazy for Burt could be there as well. Anyone else please let us know. Vincent will coordinate. I am just informing him ......know I'll hear about this one. Well we all know him I think so who better?
crazy for burt
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lucky alvina

Post by crazy for burt »

wow you lucky girl !! and you deserve it. wish i could come too.... but i am living for october in charlotte. as i've said before seeing vincent is almost as much fun as seeing burt. his enthusiasm is infectious.if i had friends in the nyc area i'd go in a heartbeat...but finding a place to stay and getting around would overwhelm me. besides i'm so spoiled i need my first or second row seats! and i'm sure it's too late for that. so have fun for me.
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Post by vincent.cole »

:D Alvina;

You are proably right that I am 'nuttier' than you when it comes to Burt! Well 42 years will do that to you :wink:

It will great to see you again! The last time I believe it was Atlantic City New Jersey. It also will give me the joy of meeting your husband at the concert. I also see that you will have plenty of chaperons!!! :lol: So behave yourself :lol:

:D "Crazy For Burt";

Wish you could be their also! If you keep saying these nice things about me, I might to start to believe in them! 8) But hey, I want to be my humble self. :) I can just picture you and Alvina, at the same Burt Concert! Might have to call security! :o :o :o

Take care mon ami's!

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