Anyway now the carrot has arrived. We have friends in Nassau county and he has gotten seats for us to the concert there. It is all I need to renew mind , body and spirit........well body is another thing lol.
The 2 couples coming with us have never seen a Burt concert, but have listened to me for lo these 25 years they have known me, rave about this man and his music. I've been a fan longer however.
I am hoping to see my friend Vincent once again.It's been awhile. He is the best ...keeping me and I am sure lots of others informed and I now have someone I feel is nuttier than I am. See i told my family i wasn't nuts Ha! Just teasing you Vincent.
He also tells me Mary Edwards will be there as well so I am hoping to finally meet her. I will try to let you all know where i am seated as soon as I know.
I wish Crazy for Burt could be there as well. Anyone else please let us know. Vincent will coordinate. I am just informing him ......know I'll hear about this one. Well we all know him I think so who better?