Thoughts on Angie

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Thoughts on Angie

Post by Alvina »

I just wanted to say a little about Angie. I first saw her in an old movie called "The Sins Of Rachel Cade". I have no idea why I remember this except that she made such an impression on me that I just never forgot it and watched her ever since. Little did I know that she would later marry my idol Burt Bacharach. I always saw her as a strong and wonderful woman. I watched her as her marriage disintergrated with Burt. I also saw the grace that she exuded through it all and it was obvious in all that I saw and heard her say that she still loved him. She has been there with a daughter with special needs all along and with her sister Mary Lou as well. I saw her and Shelly Fabreres speaking before either the congress or senate.......not sure which, about Alzheimeir's and how it affected them and their families. My husbands mom suffered from this terrible disease so I could sure identify with it all. Bravo for them for doing this.
My point is that she is truley a great woman and I will admire her forever. I Love Burt and have been a fan as you all know for many years but I gotta say Angie is a class act and I love her as well. My heart goes out to the both of them.
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Reply: Alvina

Post by vincent.cole »

Bonjour Alvina;

Thanks for sharing you thoughts on Angie!

Take care mon ami.

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