Burt-vitamin C and Vitamin agendas

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Burt-vitamin C and Vitamin agendas

Post by steveo_1965 »

Burt Bacharach learned about the benefits of Vitamin C back in the late 1950's while touring with the late, great Marlene Dietrich. She taught him that a bit of "C" could help ward off colds....
Right now, the FDA may be trying to push legislation to restrict the publics right to purchase vitamins over the counter, based on the lobbying of the drug companies. This would include the purchase of vitamin K2, which has recently been shown to be more effective
than vitamin K1 in reducing calfication deposits in arteries...There is a lobby out there that is trying to take suppliments off the market, and\or put
vitamins onto a perscription list, whereby one would have to pay big money to get them thru a perscription only..This move to restrict the our right to purchase vitamins is, in my opinion, agregious....
The motif of this is, in my opinion, the lining of the drug companies pockets...
The FDA is supposed to be protecting our rights, but the drug comapnies are a self perptuating industry...The american diet has been decimated of vitimans, and it's very hard to get the nutrients we need from food alone.
I urge everyone to become aware of the agendas that are being proposed
by the so-called health industries, and the intention to restrict our rights to
pursue good health.

check our Robin Falcov at

I urge people to contact their presidential candidates, congressmen, etc..
protesting these actions.

Peope today have more tools than ever at their fingertips...google, books, tv, etc. so that they dont have to be intimidated by their doctors...much knowledge is out there regarding many health issuses, and patients should
take a little time to research out various issues for themselves and their loved ones benefits.

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Post by someonenameddavid »

Somehow I don't think this is a Bacharach-relevant thread:

Most vitamins are produced by giant multi-national corporations with their own lobby groups anyway (Vitamin C is manufacture by the boxcar-load in industrial plants as a derivative of glucose which is manufactured from corn syrup)

It is possible that the fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) can have toxic build-up in the adipose tissue which is detrimental to the general health of a person.

But WTH do I Know.

Dr David Chorley
Board Certified in Family Medicine

Pawn of Giant Multinational Companies

and the correct spelling of the word is egregious
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is.
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Post by steveo_1965 »

Dr. David,

Thank you for your response. I am aware that the mis-use of vitamins can be unhealthy, or at the worst, dangerous. Having said that, I don't want to have to pay 100.00 for a perscription of vitamin C, instead of 10.00, nor do I want to have to convince my physician that I need to take a specific vitamin to have him write a perscription for it...
I acknowledge the error in spelling. While having used it in conversation many times, I don't think I've ever spelled it before : )
And yes, it is a bit off topic, for which I apologize to you and the board...

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