The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

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Post by Marcel »

Got the new album Trijntje (the BURT BACHARACH SONGBOOK II)
I only just can say WOW man what a terrific album!
The chemistry between BURT and TRIJNTJE are great
On the 7th of december there were a small interview of Trijntje and BURT.
BURT is so impressed by the voice of her.
Specially the song that BURT wrote with Tim Rice "Who`ll Speak For Love.
Note Lines about BURT "You know how to make a composer happy.
Having this terrific super record, the second volume of his music and then let him have the joy of playing on 3 of the tracks. This composer is very happy"BURT BACHARACH.
My favorites of tracks? all of them!!
Trijntje (dank je wel voor deze geweldige 2e album) (Dutch)
Ttijntje ( thank you very much for this 2th album)
BURT, as always the great influence that you have in you`re music!
The songs that you gave us will live forever!
BURT the GENIUS and my HERO!!

Thank you, thank you BURT for you`re fantastic music!!

Kind Regards,
Marcel :D
Steve Schenck
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what songs?

Post by Steve Schenck »

Marcel, thanks for the great news! Tell us, what tracks are on the new album? What are the new songs and what are the old ones? Where can I order the album in the USA - Amazon? If you know, let us know. Steve
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Song list

Post by Marcel »

Dear Steve here are the tracks
Any Day Now (jazz style)
Love Is Still The Answer (My favorite song even with BURT and RON)
What The World Needs Now
One Less Bell To Answer
In Between The Heartaches
This Girls In Love
God Give Me Strength (Very Beautiful)
Who`ll Speak For Love (with BURT on the piano and Toots Thielemans playing Harmonica)
Stronger Then Before (Great Songs as ever, but this is great to hear)
I Just Don`t Know What To Do With Myself (you have to hear this)
Don`t Go Breaking My Heart
Don`t Make Me Over
Raindrops Keep Fallin`On My Head (Sounds very like as BURT and RON)
Painted From Memory (intro is differend as the original)
On My Own (acoustic - but still the same emotions and passion as Patti and Michael)

BURT is playin`on 3 tracks :D

Kind Regards
Marcel :D

P.s. You can buy these songs from Itunes or better buy by BOL.com
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Who'll Speak for Love

Post by Tom1234 »

Thank you ... you tube.

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Post by johnfoyle »

Here's what I posted on a Elvis Costello forum-

http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB2 ... com/38zunr


The Look Of Love-Burt Bacharach/
Trijntje Oosterhuis ( 2006)


Who'll Speak for Love

Trijntje Oosterhuis ( 2007)

Trijntje Oosterhuis has, yet again , totally resuscitated two PFM songs. GGMS is delivered in a very even manner , the vocal having just that right amount of jadedness to make you believe the songs message. Whereas Elvis' original works best , usually live , if you engage with the song from the start , building up to the shrieked 'hurt' , this version has a more subtle approach.

The real highlight is Painted From Memory. Starting with swirling strings, arranged by Vince Mendoza , it eases into a gorgeous harp, played by Joke Schonewille , piece and another world weary vocal. Yet again it totally revives the song. Elvis' version is blighted by a ridiculously high pitched vocal and swamped by a syrupy string arrangement by Johnny Mandel. I've just played it for the first time in a while and it is just awful compared with this. Interestingly, Bill Frisell's Sweetest Punch version ( just Bill on guitar with Cassandra Wilson's vocal) seems , also on a re-listen,like a template for Ms Oosterhuis's recording.

What with Burt's involvement , along with past Costello collaborators The Metropole Orkest ( and being mixed by My Flame Burns Blue's Al Schmitt) this disc has to have had , however indirect, Elvis' involvement. That we are , just like her version ( with similar imput) last year of This House Is Empty Now, getting such radical re-interpretations probably means that he has accepted the deficiencies of the PFM album and is glad to facilitate this, partial, remake.

By the way, the album's final track 'On My Own' really stirred up some ghosts for me. I had no idea Burt wrote ( with Carole Bayer Sager ) this 1980's hit ( by Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald). Trijntje's version is , again restrained , not much more than a vocal with guitar ( by Peter Tiehuis) . Listening to it I was , however, just awash with memories of fall down drunk nights in tacky Dublin nightclubs, drinking to forget a job I hated. The song is just about saved this time , serving to re-enforce my present good fortune.
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re On my Own

Post by pljms »

For me 'On My Own' is by far and away the strongest track because of the paired down arrangement and subtle vocal. It turns what I've always regarded as a structurally awkward song into an intimate masterpiece. Compare it to the version of 'Don't Make Me Over' on the album with its over-the-top Boston Pops type orchestration and Trijntje's strained vocals.
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Post by nymusicalsguy »

I've been listening to WHO'LL SPEAK FOR LOVE nonstop since getting it as a Christmas gift, and I can say without hesitation that it's highly recommended, and the listener is definitely struck by the variety of arrangement styles. These range from the big-band "Any Day Now" (when I first hit play on the CD player, the trumpet blasts coming from this, the first track on the album, had me wondering if I was listening to the right CD...) to the acoustic "On My Own" (what a brave, great reworking) to the classically Bacharach (a beautiful, understated "One Less Bell To Answer"). Any fans wondering about splurging for this CD shouldn't think twice; it's got a bunch of riches for any fan of Burt. And a new song, of course. Now if only we can get Burt or Brian Wilson to release the rest of their songwriting collaboration...
Roberto Pinardi
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second youtube

Post by Roberto Pinardi »


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which tracks Burt plays??

Post by gabba »

i wonder if you guys could tell me... in which tracks of the cd in question Burt is involved please???thanks
hugs and kisses...GABBA
Roberto Pinardi
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From old friend Luis

Post by Roberto Pinardi »

... Taking into account that Oosterhuis albums performing Burt's Songs are actually perfect.We (all Burt fan's worldwide)should encourage her to do a Burt Bacharach songbook III,IV , V... etc.
I am persuaded that Trijntje will obtain definitive versions of some Burt's hidden gems with the help of Pat Williams glorious arrangements in songs like: I Might Frighten Her Away , The april Fools, My Thief, Any Old Time of the day, Who's gonna love me, Who Ever you are I love You , Lost Horizon, Toledo, Long ago Tomorrow, Walk the way you Talk, Be aware, I Just Have to Breathe, Blue on Blue, In the land of Make Believe, Reach out, Arthur's theme, Extravagant Gestures, Something Big and many other songs Burt wrote mainly in the eighties.
If Trijntje do a Burt Bacharach songbook III including these or some of these songs , it will be as successful as the two first ones Worldwide not only people older than 45 years old are buying these CD's , most buyers are younger than 25 and they are discovering Burt through great artists like Trijntje ,Pat willimas and Vince Mendoza...
Please Roberto put this in Burt Bachcrach Forum-

Luis Martinez -Argentina


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