Bacharach: current work, people wd like to write with, etc.

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Bacharach: current work, people wd like to write with, etc.

Post by Rio » ... 320235.asp

I can hardly type due to a serious injury on my left hand, but perhaps someone else can help translate from Portuguese parts of this very interesting interview with Burt for an online edition of a Rio newspaper.

Mentions song with Elvis for Krall: she didn't like the lyrics...
Album to be released this year in the UK mainly with new compositions.
Many (a bunch of?) new songs with Bdway lyricist already mentioned here.
Wd like to work with Ivan Lins (I had mentioned him) and two guys he always mentions: Djavan and Milton Nascimento.
Learned samba and baião here, going to favelas or listening to folklore(?)/traditional rythms that are played on certain occasions in Bz. (Milhaud was very keen on this, as he did research in Bz and used that in his work.)
Will include GGMStrength and GAShakespeare in his performances in Bz.
Asked specifically about it, mentioned he might include the song he wrote with Brian Wilson.
Nothing with Seal yet. Loves his voice, as he does those of Lou Johnson, Ron Isley and Luther Vandross, with whom he was able (fortunate?) to work.
Can't believe Aretha and Gladys are not recording. "Unacceptable!"
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Re: Bacharach: current work, people wd like to write with, etc.

Post by David_Noble »

Here is a rough translation using google language tools:

EACH speaking of Brazilian music, new perspectives of their work and
the current state of pop music - which he defines as "terrible."

Jornal do Brasil: What can you expect from your shows here? In
Recent concert repertoire of songs of no records of their
most recent studio, Painted from memory, recorded with Elvis Costello,
and at this time. Want to include some of these albums for the concerts in

- Yes, as much the result of this work. On the tour
Brazil include God give me strength, my first partnership with
Elvis Costello (for the soundtrack of the movie Grace of my heart), of Painted
from memory, and Go Ask Shakespeare, of At this time, me and Rufus

Jornal do Brasil: Speaking of partnerships ... Mr newly composed
with Brian Wilson, the leader of the Beach Boys, the music What love can do.
How was the experience?

- It was interesting to compose Brian. He is a great author, of great
creativity, work with which made both myself and the Beach Boys
are magistral.

Jornal do Brasil: You want to make the song live?

- What love can do is a beautiful song. Never put on a show,
may include in the repertoire.

Jornal do Brazil: Is it true that you and Elvis Costello are composing
together again? This may generate a new album together?

- Write some songs, but for now there is nothing
set on a new album together. Anything can happen. We
song especially for the new work by Diana Krall (wife of
Costello), but she did not like the letter he wrote ...

Jornal do Brasil: At the Grammy ceremony in 2007 Mr and English
Seal spoke of the possibility of working together ...

- Still not done, but who knows? Seal has a beautiful voice, is
in the tradition of great singers with whom I had the privilege of
work as Lou Johnson, Ron Isley, Luther Vandross. I would
to make a disc with it.

Jornal do Brasil: A growing number of young artists is
recording their songs. This is the surprise?

- That makes me happy and surprised me. It's always a nice feeling
see my songs recorded by other performers, be they young
or veterans. It is the sign of the recognition of a job.

Jornal do Brasil: As you see the pop scene today?

- You suck. There are more good songs, everything today is guided by
volatility, the rapid consumption, the disposable music commands the
actions. I find that simply unfortunate. Great performers such as
Gladys Knight and Aretha Franklin have no more place in the parades
successes. Unacceptable!

Jornal do Brasil: In At this time you recorded songs with lyrics
its, some with brickbat to former President Bush. As
are seeing the beginning of the administration of Barack Obama?

- With hope. He is aware that the task of revitalizing the
reestabilizar social economy and the U.S. is very complicated and
laborious. But I believe Obama will be well.

Jornal do Brasil: What about recording new songs with lyrics themselves?

- I have done something, but when I'm composing a new
partner, the Lyrics Writer Steven Sater, author of the musical Spring awakenings,
which won seven Tony awards. It is extremely talented and we have done
many songs.

Jornal do Brazil: Plans for a new album?

- Yes, until the end of the year in England save a disc with only
British artists, which should take priority unpublished songs.
Out by Polydor Records (connected to Universal Music).

Jornal do Brasil: You have no contract with record labels, it makes
agreement for work. Why not?

- Today the ideal is to maintain freedom in negotiating work to work. A
structure of the record unfortunately is no longer so interesting. See
the example of the album Here I am, what I did with Ronald Isley (singer of
Isley Brothers) to Dreamworks Records. It is a beautiful disc,
recorded live in studio with a great orchestra, and not simply
case for lack of disclosure. Unfortunately it was not launched a
number of countries, including Brazil. I have like
Radiohead, which released the disc In Rainbows over the internet and each
a paid what he thought fair. Or as Prince, which insert a CD
a free newspaper. These new alternative market attracts me

Jornal do Brasil: You first came to Brazil for accurate
50. How was that first pass?

- Always fun and I learned a lot on my trips to Brazil, since
my first visit in 1959 as musical director of the singer and actress
Marlene Dietrich. On this first trip I met the samba and the Baião
through visits to slums and popular festivals. The experience changed
my way to create, definitely influenced my music production.
I am happy with the forthcoming tour Brazil. I always wanted to return to
Brazil is an important country for me.

Jornal do Brasil: Brazilian music and have heard recently?

- Always! The Brazilian music is something present in my life. I
to work with Ivan Lins, Djavan and Milton Nascimento
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