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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:35 pm
by Guest
Awfully nice encouter. What a nice, unassuming guy. I just got emotional about that post. Thanks for sharing. I met Burt once too. It was a sad day for him, and the person who was supposed to introduce us said it was not going to be possible (and I knew why). But then, when they were leaving the place (large enough for me never to have noticed his exit), that (awfully nice person who is close to Burt) came and called me to meet him. I bet in the end it was Burt who who remembered and figured he should not disappoint a fan and asked him to call me. I wouldn't have been disappointed at all. I recall that I couldn't look Burt in the eyes. I just told him he improved my quality of life a great deal and (am said to have) bowed a lot. I don't regret it one bit. I love the man and his music deeply. I just hope it showed. He deserves all we can give him back. I just wish I had more to offer.
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:06 am
by anony
The first time i met him was at a restaurant in St. Louis about 5 years ago. The Rams were in the playoffs, so we were in town for football games. My husband and I were having a late dinner at Tony's restaurant. The owner of the Rams and that crew were there as well as members of the press. All of a sudden, a gray haired man wearing a blue sweater and bluejeans and tennis shoes walks in and I start hyperventelating. It was Burt. His manager was with him as well. They sat down and ordered dinner and I could not stop looking at him! So I finally got the nerve to walk over and say hello. I have never in my life been so star struck. I was shaking and could not speak! He did everything he could to put me at ease, but I was just a babbling fool!! All I could say was "Raindrops! You wrote Raindrops. And Alfie too!!" Seriously. "Alfie" and "Raindrops" were the only words I could get out of my mouth!!! He was the most polite and gentle person I have ever met. He asked if I had seen any of his concerts and all I could say was "Uhu. It was really incredible." Luckily, my husband came over and rescued me (completed my sentences!!) Burt was so nice and so kind-stood up and tried to have a converesation with a flabergasted fan! Things went much better the next time I met him at the Super Bowl a couple years later. More on that later.....
Bottom line, the man was such a gentleman- he could not have been more nice and polite. He was making ME feel at ease!