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Re: Burt loves Rumer - Do any of you?!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:30 pm
by BachtoBacharach
Rumer has a wonderful voice and she sings Bacharach second to none, except maybe Dionne. Although she doesn't have the same subdued drama, emotion, and tension that Dionne's vocals brought to Bacharach, she, like Dionne, is all about the song and the vocal being an instrument to highlight the song. She's just a lovely singer.

Re: Burt loves Rumer - Do any of you?!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:36 pm
by Diane Sampson
Yes, she is. Beautiful tone, no oversinging, and a respect for the melody as written. You don't find that much these days. Burt is a big fan. He even flew her from London to LA to sing for him at his house. Richard Carpenter is also a huge Rumer fan.

Re: Burt loves Rumer - Do any of you?!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:38 pm
by BachtoBacharach
Rumer reminds me of Karen Carpenter only better. Karen's voice, although lovely, was rather bland and it was only later in her career that she got to show some emotion...Rumer doesn't have the blandness and I believe her tone is even more full-bodied than Karen's. Karen's voice had little power but when Richard miked her up, her voice came alive.

Re: Burt loves Rumer - Do any of you?!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:20 pm
by Diane Sampson
She reminds EVERYBODY of Karen Carpenter. (With a twist of Dusty!) I can't agree that Karen's voice was bland, but I DO agree that Rumer is the best thing to come along in quite some time!

Re: Burt loves Rumer - Do any of you?!

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:41 pm
by Shemp9971
Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if Burt collaborated either with her or Adele. Both of them are the heirs to Dionne Warwick's legacy.