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Time and Tenderness...
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:17 am
by NoahW
A request for someone to admit a mistake or to show some humanity is hardly a harsh political statement. I view it more as a socially conscious statement. At the age of 77, it is hardly surprising that Burt wants to see a better world for his children and all of today's youth.
Liberal or conservative, can we agree that co-existing in a peaceful / loving manner with our neighbors is the ideal goal?
I believe that Burt is speaking from his heart. I can only imagine what life would be like if our political leaders did the same.
What the world needs now, indeed, Mr. Bacharach, is love!
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:20 pm
by nixbush
Burt , is right on Bush has been a fool from day one . Let's double the debt. Whenever Clinton spent on anything you republicans went nuts "who's gonna pay for that?" you screamed. There was a huge surplus then and by the way Clinton's approval numbers were 28 percent higher in the poles when you jokers wanted to impeach him than Bush's are now. Keep up the blind faith !! Ignore facts.....
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:21 pm
by Patriotic
How unfortunate yet another know it all Hollywood "celebrity" thinks he knows more about politics then the man that is briefed every day! I was so disappointed to write yet another one of you "I know best" folks off my preferred enjoyment list. Having seen you preform I watched and listened closely in an effort to hope you would not be foolish enough to state your political (ignorant)/views outloud. You suceeded that evening in New Jersey so I saw you yet again and shared your preformance with many-however you just could not keep the yapper closed and opened only for what you do best!
So sorry to inform you little guy your grandchildren are going to read about this great president in history! Hard for you to believe I am sure-World Peace may just be a bit more impressive then your forgotten tunes!
Bye Bye Burt-I enjoyed it until you eneded it!
Burt was right
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:07 am
by hrayovac
The folks who don't like to hear that Bush failed...I'll be charitable and say they are just too young to know about ..or haven't grasped American history to know about the following:
Real presidents care about their country so much that untended dead bodies floating in the water just doesn't happen under their watch.
August 27th, 2005, the governor of Louisisiana followed FEMA protocols and guidelines, which state clearly that a Governor can request a federal state of emergency with the important fact that the coming storm would overtax the state's capacity to deal with its scale. The response then automatically became the responsibilty of the federal government when Bush declared the emergency, August 27th...two full days before the hurricane..three days before the flood.
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:12 am
by Ron
First allow me to express my appreciation to Mark for not exercising his editorial option to censor this topic. My personal politics have no relevance to this forum or to my professional life. It always disappoints me when high profile entertainers take advantage of their celebrity status and take uninformed positions "cheap shots" on important issues such as the recent tragedy in the Gulf States and our military efforts abroad. Talk show host Laura Ingraham said it best in her reference to Barbra Streisand's uninformed political positions "SHUT UP AND SING"
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:28 am
by Guest
>Talk show host Laura Ingraham said it best
What makes Laura Ingraham any more qualified to comment on the issues you cite than Babs or Burt? Good heavens, do you mean to suggest that what is happening in Iraq is the product of "well informed" people acting intelligently? If so, I'll stick with the alleged ignoramuses.
I support Burt
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:55 am
by Enrique
Burt is right. Bush is trash, also for the Irak war, is more than a stupid, is a criminal. Thank you for yours opinions, Burt.
Burt`s politics
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:14 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
I`ve stayed away from this topic until now, thinking it would fade away.
But, at this time, I might as well declare myself. I`m a baby-boomer and a life-long Lefty who has seen most of the positions I have espoused proven to be justified. Viet Nam was a criminal disaster, Nixon was a crook, Reaganomics ruined many lives, Clinton was a neo-con in populist clothing, and Bush & Co. are unspeakably evil. I`m just glad that Burt didn`t follow in the footsteps of many of his generation in turning Rightward. Note that he assessed the domestic media "on BOTH sides" as being inadequate. Lastly, I agree that this forum should not be about our politics and that we should get past this as soon as possible and resume our commonality.
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:11 pm
by Bushisakunt
Bush is the most ghastly insensitive twit of person that has ever been called Mr. President.
His dope of a mother who said that things were working out pretty well for the Katrina victims speaks volumes about her disgustingly out-of-touch family. It's obvious he has no clue what to do or say without being handed a script (and even then he stares googled eyed and stammers when he speaks).
I don't know where you freaks who think Bush is doing a fine job live but it must be in a rube state that lets you have a gun in your car or in your double-wide. He can't manage a country. He ruined 4 oil companies. He smirks inappropraiately and can't think on his feet. HE IS A MORON!!
HE didn't cause the flooding but HE could have picked someone to run FEMA who had some experience with disasters...even fires! "Your doing a good job Brownie"....what a laughing stock. He is the joke of EUROPE and AUSTRALIA...two places I have spent time in recently. People can't believe we elected him again. (Well we didnt the first time thanks to Jeb's bullsh*t)
We are a joke because of him and i don't like it. Clinton might have been sleazy white-trash but he was BRILLIANT, COMPASSIONATE sleazy white-trash!!
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:42 pm
by A Musician
When did so many start to equate artists to strolling violinist that plays requests for tips at dinner and is as easily dismissed with a wave of the hand?
Artists have, and always have, been here to enrich, enlighten and entertain - IN THAT ORDER.
But then a society that allows itself to be lulled into the stupidity it takes to watch reality TV shows; that because they live in the potentially greatest country to ever grace the earth puff up their chests thinking that greatness somehow appies to each of them personally; where blind faith and religious fervor have over taken the civility, compassion and thoughtfulness that religion teaches...
,,,, well anyway, it's not surprising so many are not taking kindly to artists. In every emerging dark time (the Dark Ages, emergence of Nazi Germany, etc), artists have been imprisoned and put to death. It saddens and frightens me that the seeds of those kinds of actions are so present in my beloved country today.
a musician
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:50 am
by waukeganfan
I really don't care what Burt's politics are. I still love his music. I am not one of those that burns albums of those I don't agree with. George Carlin politics are really stupid but I think he is a comic genius. Babs Streisand is a complete idiot but her voice used to be beautiful. I don't listen to her new stuff, just her older material.
I have seen Burt's concerts about a half a dozen times. I have every album he ever put out. His music is the center of my music library and always will be. I think he is way off the mark as to his comments on the President. So what. I don't think he wants to do a litmus test on my politics before I buy a ticket to his concert or buy one of his albums and I sure don't care what he thinks of politics when I listen to his music.
This whole thread is just ridiculous. It should be deleted. Not out of censorship but the thread is just stupid.
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:02 pm
by Ron
The venemous tone of the input into this topic starting with Burt's reported statements and closely followed by bpbatch's choice of a title for this subject is puzzling! We're dealing with complex issues that do not lend themselves to simple right or wrong solutions. Name calling and speculating on the motives of those in positions of power at all levels does little to address the problems associated with the devastation and rebuilding in the Gulf States or the need to reduce our involvement in middle east warfare while doing the best we can to minimize additional acts of terror. Clearly - the politicians are continuing with the "blame game" and there's plenty to go around. Hopefully we can evaluate these issues with an open mind and make the right choices when we go into the voting booth next year and in 2008!
Thanks again - MARK - for not censoring this volatile topic "AT THIS TIME". Our thoughts remain with you and your fellow citizens as the rebuilding process begins!
Re: Screw you, Burt
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:41 pm
by KJA
Bacharach is an old dope smoking Communist with his head up his ass.
I hope that's your excuse, Burt, you dumbshiite.
bpbatch wrote:From
Singer/songwriter BURT BACHARACH has attacked US President GEORGE W BUSH for his handling of the Hurricane Katrina rescue operation.
The WALK ON BY star insists America had adequate warning of the horrific disaster which rocked Louisiana and left New Orleans submerged, and yet Bush continued to fund the war against terror instead of protecting his people.
Bacharach, 77, recalls reading newspaper articles months before the hurricane, warning "that (New Orleans) would be engulfed, that people would drown, that bodies would be floating down the road.
"Instead of pushing the funding up, they took most of it away to fight this stupid war, and that's unforgivable.
"I think Bush is just about the poorest president we've ever had. You'd have to go back before I was born to find a worse one."
15/09/2005 13:43
Screw you, Burt. You seriously want to blame the destruction of an entire area of the southern Louisana coast on one single human being, and that being the president? I could just as easily blame YOU for the destruction of any good music. What the world needs now, Mr. Bacharach, is love, not more idiotic, politically-motivated charges against President Bush. And to tie Louisiana to the war against terror? Please. Do us all a relief effort of sorts by shutting up and stop displaying your utter ignorance to something you clearly know nothing about: freedom and meterology.
Insipid Lemmings.
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:12 am
by No, You Are...
Critics of Burt,
You're sadly misinformed and romanticising the role of militia.
Raping and pillaging overseas is not liberating a country. It's raping and pillaging.
Preventing starving, exhausted people from escaping the country's largest cesspool by pointing guns in their faces is not humane.
Let's strip it down to the essentials and call it what it is.
No one hung you out to dry when you insulted Clinton during his administration. Respect earns respect.
Burt's done his homework. Do yours.
Insipid Lemmings.
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:14 am
by No, You Are...
Critics of Burt,
You're sadly misinformed and romanticising the role of militia.
Raping and pillaging overseas is not liberating a country. It's raping and pillaging.
Preventing starving, exhausted people from escaping the country's largest cesspool by pointing guns in their faces is not humane.
Let's strip it down to the essentials and call it what it is.
No one hung you out to dry when you insulted Clinton during his administration. Respect earns respect.
Burt's done his homework. Do yours.[b][/b][b][/b]