Re: My sons are fighting for this Country
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:48 am
The military is an abused institution in a country that has gained a sort-of cult worship. We as a nation spend what?, 460 BILLION annually on "defence"..........460 BILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIONNN......and yet we have cuts in VA benefits, head start programs, Pell Grants, Meals-on-Wheels.....good god people, are we not the most paranoid, priority-clueness nation on the planet. Million-dollar missles and the poor smoe that fires it can't get proper health-care.
So what do we do? Here's my plan: Redirect an ever-increasing portion of the bloated Defence appropriations. Invest in construction, not destruction. Make friends, not enemies. Invest in education, not patriotic propaganda. Invest in new technologies, not subsidize outdated vested-interest enviromentally-damaging industries. Live by the Golden Rule (Treat others as you wish to be treated) as a NATION and STOP MEDDLING IN THE AFFAIRS OF FOREIN NATIONS!!! Our country has been turned into a terrorist nation by war profiteers and corporate looters who prey on resources of others nations. And We the People are subsidizing these pirates by allowing our military to be used as mercenarys as in Iraq, Afganistan, Columbia, and other less-known parts of the world.
NO MORE...NO FRIGGING MORE, DAMNIT!!! Get your hands off our kids, you out-of-touch, corrupt policians. BRING THEM HOME! BRING THEM HOME ,NOW!!! It is unconscionable, no matter what your belief system, to invest so much of our resources, effort, and human life in the pursuit of better means of death and destruction. What idiot thinks that you can save another nation by destroying it first. It would be far more noble to set a non-aggressive example of who we are and welcome others to join us, rather than shoving our culture in their face and telling them, "You WILL like this and accept it."
It makes me sick how the current cabal of D.C. hypocrites play the patriotism card over and over and over....while they are digging deeper in our pockets and sending GI Johnny to get his leg blown off so our corporations can suck up the newly-privatized petroleum resorces of a nation on the other side of the globe.
I look around me and see big, spoided, clueless, Americans regurgitating the lasted corporate-sponsered-news propaganda without ever engaging their critical-thinking and questioning the reasons for our military deployments. GODDAMNIT THAT'S MY KID, YOU SONS-OF-BITCHES!!!
So what do we do? Here's my plan: Redirect an ever-increasing portion of the bloated Defence appropriations. Invest in construction, not destruction. Make friends, not enemies. Invest in education, not patriotic propaganda. Invest in new technologies, not subsidize outdated vested-interest enviromentally-damaging industries. Live by the Golden Rule (Treat others as you wish to be treated) as a NATION and STOP MEDDLING IN THE AFFAIRS OF FOREIN NATIONS!!! Our country has been turned into a terrorist nation by war profiteers and corporate looters who prey on resources of others nations. And We the People are subsidizing these pirates by allowing our military to be used as mercenarys as in Iraq, Afganistan, Columbia, and other less-known parts of the world.
NO MORE...NO FRIGGING MORE, DAMNIT!!! Get your hands off our kids, you out-of-touch, corrupt policians. BRING THEM HOME! BRING THEM HOME ,NOW!!! It is unconscionable, no matter what your belief system, to invest so much of our resources, effort, and human life in the pursuit of better means of death and destruction. What idiot thinks that you can save another nation by destroying it first. It would be far more noble to set a non-aggressive example of who we are and welcome others to join us, rather than shoving our culture in their face and telling them, "You WILL like this and accept it."
It makes me sick how the current cabal of D.C. hypocrites play the patriotism card over and over and over....while they are digging deeper in our pockets and sending GI Johnny to get his leg blown off so our corporations can suck up the newly-privatized petroleum resorces of a nation on the other side of the globe.
I look around me and see big, spoided, clueless, Americans regurgitating the lasted corporate-sponsered-news propaganda without ever engaging their critical-thinking and questioning the reasons for our military deployments. GODDAMNIT THAT'S MY KID, YOU SONS-OF-BITCHES!!!