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Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:50 pm
by shut up
Nobody wants to hear from paid operatives trying to defend the indefensible. Go back to freerepublic and take a friend with you.

Freedom of Speech?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:11 pm
by Brad Haight
Mr. Bacharach has the right to his opinion, as does any other American. If you LISTEN, you may find he is expressing much of the same emotion many citizens feel who can reflect upon a time in American history when there was much less fear and distrust- of Government as well as each other.

For his detractors, I have yet to read one comment that was not couched in emotional, reactionary, derogatory language. Where is the intelligent debate? The simple fact of Katrina is that in 2001, our Army Corps of Engineers requested 64 million dollars to maintain the levees, and expressed potential consequences of NOT doing the work required. The Corps was given 10 million dollars. The Mayor at the time stated the situation as a "threat to security", and was ignored. There is only one reason the Army was denied their request: the War in Iraq.

Indeed, the local National Guard could only watch from Iraq as the city they were meant to protect was destroyed. In fact, some of them requested leave to go and help their state, and were denied.

Why is Bush held accountable? Because the decisions came on his watch, under his policies and political activities. No one has yet to point to any other reasonable cause for this devastation. No one flew a plane into the levee, but no one gave the Corps (or the City) what it knew full well was required to prevent this tragedy.

How Citizens can blindly stand by the current administration after all the demonstrable lies and mismanagement is baffling. Yet, I stll won't attempt to take away their right to express themselves, nor will I use similar crude vulgarities uttered by those who would defend such an administration.

I will, however, urge EVERY ONE to stand up to their civil obligation as outlined by our own Constitution, and demand an adherence to Truth and Justice from those Politicians assigned to protect and enforce the Laws of the Land. Last I checked, we at least still gave lip service to the Constitution, which means the First Amendment trumps all those who might censor the thoughts of another.

It is my great hope that EVERY American remember the "inalienable rights" acknowledged by our Founding Fathers, and remind the Politicians who they work for and have sworn to SERVE. The PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES own the White House- not the President, the Congress, or the Supreme Court- whatever you may have been told or come to believe.

Examine Facts, research your information, and make a clear decision. This is what I believe Mr Bacharach was and is trying to do with his work, and I urge all of you to learn from this example and move forward.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:38 pm
by albert
Bush is great president and honest with cheney a good leader. Was a good business and knows what is right for us patriotic Americans. Burt please sing songs only.

So enlist

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:42 pm
by guest
Sgt. Hulka wrote:Ditto. As if anyone gives a shit about his political views. Pompous Vegas elistist prick. Just ask Angie.
Anyone who still supports the President should enlist right now. He wants more troops for his genocide in the Middle East, so go die for his lies.

Though I'm not a fan of Bacharach's music, any celebrity figure that speaks out against Dubya's policy of murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people for the benefit of our crumbling empire (and Israel's blooming empire) is doing something good.

Research WTC7,

Screw you, Burt

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:50 pm
by Loyaldem

Music Fan 1
You are a politically AWARE and THINKING Fan - I agree with all you say on this subject.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:11 pm
by Guest
Right on Burt!!!

Hey American sheeple.
Don't worry about Iraq.
You're going to have your own 'action'.
You won't need a TV to see it.
It will be the American People against the amerikan sheeple.
We will take this country back from YOU!
And it will be no contest, because sheeple can't think for themselves!

Re: Screw you, Burt <--No, Screw all you Pro-Bush retards

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:13 pm
by tracyv
You people need to respect other people's opinions a little more, especially when there is truth to it!!

You do have to go back more then 77 years to find a worse president!!


GWB is an incompetent, alchoholic, deserting fool!!

GWB makes a Yale Degree worthless, obviously any rich idiot can get one of those!!

Anyone that defends a Bush is truly an enemy of the People of the United States, because no Bush has ever been for the American People!

Go Burt, great song!!



bpbatch wrote:From

Singer/songwriter BURT BACHARACH has attacked US President GEORGE W BUSH for his handling of the Hurricane Katrina rescue operation.

The WALK ON BY star insists America had adequate warning of the horrific disaster which rocked Louisiana and left New Orleans submerged, and yet Bush continued to fund the war against terror instead of protecting his people.

Bacharach, 77, recalls reading newspaper articles months before the hurricane, warning "that (New Orleans) would be engulfed, that people would drown, that bodies would be floating down the road.

"Instead of pushing the funding up, they took most of it away to fight this stupid war, and that's unforgivable.

"I think Bush is just about the poorest president we've ever had. You'd have to go back before I was born to find a worse one."

15/09/2005 13:43

Screw you, Burt. You seriously want to blame the destruction of an entire area of the southern Louisana coast on one single human being, and that being the president? I could just as easily blame YOU for the destruction of any good music. What the world needs now, Mr. Bacharach, is love, not more idiotic, politically-motivated charges against President Bush. And to tie Louisiana to the war against terror? Please. Do us all a relief effort of sorts by shutting up and stop displaying your utter ignorance to something you clearly know nothing about: freedom and meterology.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:16 pm
by billy
Bush father free kuwait now bush son free Iraq. Terrorist strike twin towers because they hate freedom and constituton. Soon Iraq oil to make gas less so you can drive SUV again. Sadam hussein evil you not see this?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:37 pm
by Loyaldem
Why are so many of you dissenters signing in as guests and not joining? Afraid??
Do you fear for your civil liberties? Think People Think


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:38 pm
by homer
i cannot wait until shit breaks down in this country...we are going to make sure all pro-bushers pay dearly. we will find you and string you up, i promise.

make all the stupid comments you like, you traitors, pain is in your future.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:41 pm
by Guest
the bush administration LIED. from start to finish, pretty much everything they have done has been a lie. educate yourselves, you f*cking morons.

Just you wait

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:51 pm
by Guest
When the crap hits the fan and there is blood in OUR streets.... It will be to bad that you abandoned your country and gave in to the fascist fucks.


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:01 pm
by BurtBaccarach
Sgt. Hulka wrote:Ditto. As if anyone gives a shit about his political views. Pompous Vegas elistist prick. Just ask Angie.
To whom it may concern I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter who he may be.I agree with Mr Bacharach and so many people who are now waking up to the fact that we have killed so many people in both countries for a lie.Please refrain from your ugly form of landauge it actually shows the mentality of the poster.And that of an ugly Neocon.


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:07 pm
by Reddog 2
As an American citizen I believe it is his right to express his opinion. I understand that I fought for that right in Viet Nam and the young people in Iraq are doing the same.
Mr B is like the rest of us. we all think that the lying administration should have been forthright with us and said that we were going into IRAQ because of 1. Bush's Dad, 2. Isreal, 3. Oil, 4 cheney and Wolfy had been planning it since the early 1990's.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:44 pm
by YA
" you are, a minstrel. Your no intellect " I guess that makes 2 of you since you can't even spell "you're" properly.

"Clearly Burt you must have been drunk during the Carter administration and high during Clintons." Carter and Clinton are way above Bush. by the way, a recent poll asked Americans to rank past presidents against Bush and both Carter and Clinton came ahead. But I am sure you know that since Bush has the lowest approval rating of any president since they started polling.

"Gershwin never bad mouthed his country or it commander in chief." Gershwin did not have Dumbo for CIC. Gerschwin did not have to witeess a president put in place by the supreme court, sleep on the job prior to 9/11, only to react by attacking a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 (but that had plenty of oil though). When your own president is unamerican (condoning torture and so on), it becomes your patriotic duty to oppose him.