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Burt on Today Show?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 6:12 pm
by Ian D.Pocket
I'm a video editor at NBC in NY for the Today Show and while cueing up a tape from which to cut a tease for an upcoming feature (which I think aired today), I was elated to hear (and then look up to see) the master performing a couple of takes of "This Guy's In Love..." with a singer named Steve Tyrell.
A beautiful version of the tune.
Made my day!

Re: Steve Tyrell

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:02 pm
by Alvina
:D Hey, I don't know how many are familiar with Steve Tyrell, but he is awesomeand he and Burt have collaborated on a new album or should I say there are 2 of Burt and Hal's songs on his new album. Steve's wife whom he adored died recently of a colon cancer related death and I believe this album is in tribute to her and their love.I saw him on one of the morning shows (believe Katie Couric) as you know her husband died of colon cancer so near to her heart. Anyway 2 of Burt and Hal's songs are on this new album. "This Guy's In Love With You" and "I just don't know what to do with myself" is the other. They had a clip of him and Burt working together and I pray they do more together cause Steve brings something wonderful to the music we all adore. If you like it try Steve's other CD's. They are very good. he does standards in a really cool way. I loved his music long before I laid eyes on him(much like I came to Burt's music.) After seeing him speak of his wife and her death I just totally loved the mans spirit as well. Hope you all agree and maybe discover something wonderful.