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New York City Concerts

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:43 pm
by ComeTouchTheSun
My mom and I went to both of the New York City shows on April 3rd and 4th. The first night we had general admission seats so I wasn't sure how close we'd get to the stage. However, since we got there 2 1/2 hours before the show, we were able to sit in the third set of tables from the stage (behind the reserved tables). Burt was amazing, as usual. Rufus Wainwright (who is on the new album) came out and sang during the middle of "Go Ask Shakespeare," so that was a nice surprise! He also sang another song. I must say I enjoyed all of the new songs I've been listening to from At This Time. It was nice to see Burt so proud of his album and the recognition of the statements he made with the album in the form of his Grammy win.

In the beginning of the show he mentioned the bit about how he still calls CDs "albums," and that they had printed 5,000 copies of At This Time on LP, but that he never received one of them on LP. It just so happened my mom and I had brought our At This Time LPs we ordered online to get signed at the Meet and Greet the next night!

On Tuesday we had the "VIP" reserved front row seats with an after show meet and greet. The show, once again, was wonderful. Rufus came out again and he sang even more this time, which was a nice treat. This time he came out near the end and sang a lovely version of "The Windows of the World."

At the end of the show he said that they would do one more song and they wanted us to sing along. Several people in the audience were yelling for him to do "Promises, Promises" which is my mom's favorite song. He began singing it, but joked that he wouldn't make the audience sing that. Alas, he finished with "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" as he did the night before.

We got to meet Burt after the show and he signed our LPs of At This Time, asking us where we got them :D He couldn't figure out my Sharpie "clickable," so that gave us a laugh.

All in all, the trip to New York was wonderful and well worth it! My mom has wanted to meet Burt since she was 14 and she is now 51, so it was a dream come true for her.


Re: New York City Concerts

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:24 am
by marina
ComeTouchTheSun wrote:My mom and I went to both of the New York City shows on April 3rd and 4th. The first night we had general admission seats so I wasn't sure how close we'd get to the stage. However, since we got there 2 1/2 hours before the show, we were able to sit in the third set of tables from the stage (behind the reserved tables). Burt was amazing, as usual. Rufus Wainwright (who is on the new album) came out and sang during the middle of "Go Ask Shakespeare," so that was a nice surprise! He also sang another song. I must say I enjoyed all of the new songs I've been listening to from At This Time. It was nice to see Burt so proud of his album and the recognition of the statements he made with the album in the form of his Grammy win.

In the beginning of the show he mentioned the bit about how he still calls CDs "albums," and that they had printed 5,000 copies of At This Time on LP, but that he never received one of them on LP. It just so happened my mom and I had brought our At This Time LPs we ordered online to get signed at the Meet and Greet the next night!

On Tuesday we had the "VIP" reserved front row seats with an after show meet and greet. The show, once again, was wonderful. Rufus came out again and he sang even more this time, which was a nice treat. This time he came out near the end and sang a lovely version of "The Windows of the World."

At the end of the show he said that they would do one more song and they wanted us to sing along. Several people in the audience were yelling for him to do "Promises, Promises" which is my mom's favorite song. He began singing it, but joked that he wouldn't make the audience sing that. Alas, he finished with "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" as he did the night before.

We got to meet Burt after the show and he signed our LPs of At This Time, asking us where we got them :D He couldn't figure out my Sharpie "clickable," so that gave us a laugh.

All in all, the trip to New York was wonderful and well worth it! My mom has wanted to meet Burt since she was 14 and she is now 51, so it was a dream come true for her.

Hi! I'm from Rome and I came for that concert on april 4th! I think we were near each other because I remenber someone next to me who asked for Promises Promises... I had vip table too! Now I am in Rome again and I was waiting for Burt's concert in Italy but he said to me that he will not come on July...but nex summer in Italy... So I hope to come back in (a very beautiful NY) for another concert like that if he will not come again in Italy! Marina

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:07 pm
by Paula13 sister has lived in Rome for about 35 years now....since she married a guy from Sicily, who works in the music industry over there. He writes movie scores and plays the piano as well. He and Bill Conte (Bill wrote the Rocky movie song) taught together in the music academy over in Rome...piano, etc.
Anyway, perhaps you gave heard of my brother in law.....his name is Rino Taormina :)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:30 am
by marina
Paula13 sister has lived in Rome for about 35 years now....since she married a guy from Sicily, who works in the music industry over there. He writes movie scores and plays the piano as well. He and Bill Conte (Bill wrote the Rocky movie song) taught together in the music academy over in Rome...piano, etc.
Anyway, perhaps you gave heard of my brother in law.....his name is Rino Taormina :)
hi, I know Bill Conti and the lawyer Carlo Taormina :-) Rino Taormina plays Jazz?


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:30 am
by Paula13
yes, Marina, Rino Taormina plays Jazz and a number of other stuff in Rome....whatever gets the job done. Bill and Shelby Conti live in LA now, for years...but keep in touch often with my sister and Rino

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:47 pm
by marina
and have you ever been in italy?

B.B. Kings Review April 3, 2006

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:53 pm
by vincent.cole
Here is my overdue review of the Burt concert @ B.B. Kings on Monday, April 3, 2006

As wise King Solomon once said, “There is nothing new under the Sun.â€￾ Well in this regard there were a few surprises from the April 1, 2006 concert in New Jersey.

My co-worker Mike went to the concert with me. Arrive about 2 hours before show time. We did not have to wait on line, since its 1st come 1st server. Went to the lounge area and to my surprise, ‘Crazy For Burt’ and her daughter were there! This is about the 4th time I have met this great Burt Bacharach fan at concerts! In addition, Joan of NYC was also there! She remembered me, from 1998, when we attended the Burt Concert in the Bronx, New York!

“Crazy For Burt’, had some type of ticket indicated that she was 3rd in line to be seated. So Mike and I joined her party and sat down in the 3rd row of tables almost center stage.

We enjoyed a brief bite to eat before the show.

As was made mention, Rufus Wainwright was at the show. Rufus also sang, ‘Send A Message To Martha’ which was 1st recorded by Lou Johnson in 1964. Surprisingly some in the audience started laughing when Rufus sang this song. I think they thought he had the lyric all wrong.

In addition Burt acknowledged the great pianist Marian McPartland who was in the audience.

I found this rather interesting, when Burt takes us to his movie segment of songs. Burt indicated, “We will start with the Academy Award Looser, “The Look Of Love.â€￾ (sardonic tone).

This must be something deep rooted in Burt’s heart and mind! Since he lost the award to, “Talk To The Animalsâ€￾ in 1967! Burt made a similar comment last year when I saw him at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut.

John Pageno did a brilliant job on the song, “Any Day Now!â€￾ Donna and Josie provide the background vocals.

Just want to make a comment to my Burt buddy Ron, out in Del Mar California. Ron you indicated I would over dose on seeing to many Burt Concerts this year. Well I have found the cure, More Burt Concert (lol)! Making plans to see Burt at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut in July!

By the way another good Burt buddy of mine, Mary Edwards was at the show and was able to get back stage. It was done in an esoteric way!

I have a few pictures of the show, which I will forward on to Mark who runs the forum.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:55 am
by Paula13
Vin....can you send me the pics as well?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 7:02 am
by Paula13
Oh, and yes, Marina, i have been over to Rome a few times :)
I am planning on going over again soon...seeing as my sister can't come over here for a while...because she is caring for her mother in law in Monterossi.
Oh..and Vin....seeing your a Burt fan........did you happen to see his concert in New Haven, CT at the Shubert Theatre in (i think) May,1998?
It was awesome.....seeing the Shubert is such a small, intimate kinda' theatre.
He was booked to appear the following year at The Shubert, and we had 4 front row seats.........and to our horrific surprise, the Shubert sent us a refund check in the mail because Burt had broken his arm a few weeks before the show :(
Man, were we bummed :(

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:57 pm
by Paula13
Marina....wanna hear a funny story?
My husband got me 2 seats at a Burt concert in Connecticut..circa 1998...and i decided i wanted to get all dolled up, cause it was a kinda classy theatre..and we were gonna go out for dinner later.
So.....i decided to buy a kit of fake glue-on nails., before the concert.
So..i was applying them.......about 4 hours before the concert...before i showered, did my hair, got dressed, etc. my horror........i Crazy-Glued my middle finger of my left hand to the index finger of my right hand. My kid was still at after-school day husband was still at i was helpless here alone...with both arms glue together. I panicked...cause i couldn't even try to uncap a bottle of acetone nail polish remover to pry my fingers apart...and i also panicked because there was no way i could shower and wash my less pull a shirt or dress on with my two attached hands!
So..about babysiter dropped my 10 year old off here..i instructed hin to get out the acetone remover from the medicine cabinet...soak a Q-Tip in it., and apply it to the place where my fingers where joined..and try to pry my fingers apart. After an hour or worked. And a few hours later...we were at the show..watching Burt...but my nails were a :D