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for italian fans - Burt Bacharach Trani
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:21 am
by marina
Translation ?
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:08 pm
by Dontforgettotour England
Can anyone translate as too how we get tickets for either this or preferably the Bologna concert ?
Many thanks
Re: Translation ?
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:08 pm
by marina
Dontforgettotour England wrote:Can anyone translate as too how we get tickets for either this or preferably the Bologna concert ?
Many thanks
The website explains only that Burt Bacharach will be on Trani July 10th, but no notice about the tickets. There is no news about Bologna concert until today - if I have one I will post it
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:44 pm
by mark
I just got word that the Bologna concert has been canceled and replaced with a show in Forli, Italy, at Piazza Saffion on July 8.
forli concert
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:24 pm
by someonenameddavid
From Bologna to Forli... oh dear. A certain violinist wanted to go to Cremona while she was in Bologna, and Forli is so much further than Bologna (if you don't know why Cremona is important to violinists, think Stradivarius, Guarnerius Ruggieri and Amati... with Maggini in Brescia)
Any Italian Burt fans reading this who could give an idea of how to get to Cremona from Forli, feel free to directly e-mail me and I will pass it on.
And I know. "In a Ferrari" is the best choice (Lambo or Maserati would be good too)
The Lost Tour in Italy 2006?
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:15 am
by Roberto Pinardi
2006 Tour in Italy: A Strange Affair.
Roberto Pinardi
Burt's supposed Italian venue : A REAL MESS !!!
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:27 pm
by mario serra
Dear Mark and fellow forum surfers,
this thing about BB coming to Italy next July it' just a rumor or a fake. Because THERE ARE NO CONFIRMATIONS WHAT SO EVER in any possible site. in particular regarding How to buy the Ticketes for the Trani or the Forlì?! shows.
I hope you'll answer the Email I sent you yestarday.
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:00 pm
by mark
Hi Mario,
I just sent you an email, but just to reiterate, I don't have any information about the concerts other than what I've already posted. The concerts in Trani and Forli are legitimate as they come direct from Burt's publicity agency. I'm not sure what's behind the delay regarding confirmation or ticket availability, but according to Burt's organization, the shows will go on.
Keep the faith. Burt is on the way!

Burt in Italy
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:35 am
by Roberto Pinardi
organization...maybe Pavarotti International??????
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:27 am
by Roberto Pinardi
Hi pards,
the tickets Forlì concert: TicketOne, organization Pavarotti International
Italian Organization concert: Galli & D'Alessandro in progress
Forli 8/7 and Trani 10/7 confirmed.