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Burt Bacharach in Forlì - THE DAY AFTER
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:04 am
by dunsirn23
Dear Friends, I'm back at home and in the next 30 minutes I'll resize the photos and I'll send to Mark. Don't worry.
I'll tell to Mark everithing about the concert, even the problems about the rotten italian staff. Now I tell you only that some people of the staff members (the pseudo-security) was very immoral and ill-mannered with us.
After this, I'll write something in this thread.
stay tuned ^_^
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:35 am
by giosycervo
even the problems about the rotten italian staff. Now I tell you only that some people of the staff members (the pseudo-security) was very immoral and ill-mannered with us
I am completely in agreement, a very scandal.
many compliments to burt for the concert and the beautifull words on the peace stefano ianne
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:41 am
by dunsirn23
The concert was perfect. And also burt's voice. He sang "where did we go" better than in the album. Plus I've heard the best performance of "Raindrops Keep falling on my head".
I'm very happy also to had the opportunity to know all the italian fans of this website.
The photos will arrive soon (I hope).
for italian friends. per gli amici italiani
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:32 am
by Roberto Pinardi
Cari ragazzi sono stato veramente felice di avervi conosciuto e aver goduto del concerto insieme a voi, e bello vedere che la vera pasione per il maestro continua a crescere.
un saluto a tutti in modo particoalere ai nuovi amici, auguriamoci di trovarci ancora ad altri concerti di Burt e sarebbe bello iniziare a trovarci una volta all'anno per ....stare insieme.
ciao e grazie a tutti
Ps: NO COMMENT SULLa security!

Re: for italian friends. per gli amici italiani
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:05 pm
by marina
Roberto Pinardi wrote:Cari ragazzi sono stato veramente felice di avervi conosciuto e aver goduto del concerto insieme a voi, e bello vedere che la vera pasione per il maestro continua a crescere.
un saluto a tutti in modo particoalere ai nuovi amici, auguriamoci di trovarci ancora ad altri concerti di Burt e sarebbe bello iniziare a trovarci una volta all'anno per ....stare insieme.
ciao e grazie a tutti
Ps: NO COMMENT SULLa security!

Ciao Roberto e ciao a tutti quelli che ho conosciuto a Forli'; è stato davvero piacevole e divertente e sottoscrivo almeno per incontrarci una volta l'anno con concerto ma anche senza!
A presto
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:32 am
by papric
I'm coming to sign up to this forum
I was to the concert too. I was there with my father and my mother: we all are "fans" of Burt.
It was wonderful. The place, the light, the music, the chorists and... him. He was great.
It was a sensation that I'll never feel in my life to see this man playing and singing "my" favourites song.
Sorry, I never had my photo camera with me. I ask you if there is someone of you that can post me a photo of this marvellous evening.
Pardon my english.