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A Digression and a Plea

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:38 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
I brought this up a year or so ago without success and have again checked relevant websites and done searches with no better results, so if I may be indulged...
Does anyone know of currently available recordings of these songs I long ago had on a vinyl copy of RCA`s This Is Steve and Eydie Vol. 2:
You Came and You Left (writers I cannot recall, but sung by Steve)
I`m Gonna Find Her (Roger Nichols / Paul Williams, also sung by Steve)
The above mentioned compilation is unavailable on CD and queries sent to the Steve and Eydie website have been unavailing.
With apologies for being off-topic,

RE: "I'm Gonna Find Her"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:05 pm
by nymusicalsguy
I don't believe the Steve & Eydie recording is currently available (though S & E are little by little getting their catalog on CD via their website, as I'm sure you know), but Brian Gari has recorded a version of "I'm Gonna Find Her" on his BRIAN GARI SINGS WILLIAMS & NICHOLS CD. Hope this helps!


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:15 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
Thanks, Musical Guy! I even ordered the whole album (since I couldn`t find a site that would allow me to download the song).
While we`re on the (taboo) subject, What has been Roger Nichols been up to since his (in my opinion) disappointing Be Gentle With My Heart project? Did the reunion with Paul Williams ever come to pass and was it any good?
And who wrote You Came and You Left?
I know I`m pushing it here, and I`m too old to care much about this, but I`d really like to get a copy of this song!
I promise I won`t go off like this again.

Partial Answer

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:48 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
Seldom do I answer my own question, but a search of ASCAP reveals that the song in question was composed by Graeme Kronsberg and Michael Randall, but indicates no recording.
So is that out-of-print version by Steve Lawrence the only one ever?
I know there are more knowledgeable pop experts than me out there; what`s the verdict?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:36 pm
by steveo_1965
Michael Randall is a dang good songwriter who worked with Motown..
He penned an excellent song entitled "We're Getting Together" back in the 70's, which I think is unreleased.
Good luck finding your album...I enjoy Micheal's writing and Steve Lawrence as well!