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You've Got It All Wrong

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:46 pm
by KeithBurke
"With Promises Promises about to be resurrected as part of New York City Center's "Encores!" series, the two men (Bacharach and David) had an opportunity to write a situational song with more bite than a latter-day Dionne Warwick assignment would allow.
Unfortunately the Martin Short-led revival was short-lived and no new cast album or commercially available recording ever appeared. The best of the four Bacharach-David tunes from the last two decades remains a fantastic voice-and-piano demo, clandestinely circulated among collectors".
Bacharach says about the song: "We wrote a new song for the Promises Promises revival in New York, "I Think You've Got It Wrong" (sic). I thought that was terrific, and we never would've written it if Neil Simon hadn't said 'We need another song here. Put it in' " Source: Song By Song by Serene Dominic. the risk of calling another meeting of The Society of the Mostly Misinformed, Unbelievably Ungrateful and Chronically Critical to is it (flaws and all):

I Think You've Got It All Wrong (Demo Recording):

Reply: KeithBurke

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:28 pm
by vincent.cole

Who is the lady singing on this song?

you've got it all wrong

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:56 am
by blueonblue
Hi Keith,
Beautiful song "pure Bacharach" !!!
Thanks for sharing it with us.