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here we are!!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:15 pm
by gabba
just look at this marvelous duo!!

here we are !!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:48 pm
by blueonblue
"ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reply: Gabba

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:17 pm
by vincent.cole
:D Bonjour Gabba;

This is classic Burt & Dionne!!!!!!!

Both Burt & Dionne seem to feed off each other!!!

Gabba, I have seen Both Burt & Dionne together like this in the 80's and 90's!!!


this clip!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:48 pm
by Steve Schenck
Can ANYONE arrange music like Burt Bacharach??!! I not only are his arrangements so thoughtful, unexpected and deeply emotive, but to see him conducting is to see the movement of the music in the flesh. I recall reading an article in a British journal about Burt, noting that he was the first songwriter to be a real celebrity. They quoted the old line about him being the first one who didn't look like a dentist... but even more, beyond his good looks and personal charm, he communicated everything his songs express. He is a rare light, a precious commodity in our culture, and his music never fails to open new doors and stir new feelings deep down inside.

Re: this clip!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:57 pm
by An Enormous BB Fan
Steve Schenck wrote:Can ANYONE arrange music like Burt Bacharach??!! I not only are his arrangements so thoughtful, unexpected and deeply emotive, but to see him conducting is to see the movement of the music in the flesh. I recall reading an article in a British journal about Burt, noting that he was the first songwriter to be a real celebrity. They quoted the old line about him being the first one who didn't look like a dentist... but even more, beyond his good looks and personal charm, he communicated everything his songs express. He is a rare light, a precious commodity in our culture, and his music never fails to open new doors and stir new feelings deep down inside.
Burt's arrangements slay me! I have never figured out how he was able to be so unique and phenomenol in his arrangements. I can more easily understand his genius as a songwriter than as an arranger/orchestrator. I think that Burt, himself, would tell you that an arrangement can make all he difference in the world. In fact, on, he speaks of how he got it wrong when he first did "Close to You" and how Richard Carpenter got it right. He said it made all the difference in the world.