Very sad news -- Nikki Bacharach 1966-2007

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Very sad news -- Nikki Bacharach 1966-2007

Post by mark »

I just received the following news from Linda Dozoretz. Please keep Burt and Angie in your thoughts and prayers.


BEVERLY HILLS, California, January 5, 2007 – “Our daughter Lea Nikki (‘Nikki’) Bacharach, age 40, died around 8 p.m. last evening (January 4). She quietly and peacefully committed suicide to escape the ravages to her brain brought on by Asperger’s, a form of autism.

“Nikki was born prematurely on July 12, 1966, to her parents Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson. She lived a happy life in and around Beverly Hills and studied geology at Cal Lutheran in Thousand Oaks; but poor eyesight kept her from pursuing a career as a geologist.

“She leaves behind her mother and father and his other children [Cristopher, Oliver and Raleigh Bacharach), an aunt, Janet Lee, and some wonderful friends and three kitties.

“She loved kitties, and earthquakes, glacial calving, meteor showers, science, blue skies and sunsets, and Tahiti. She was one of the most beautiful creatures created on this earth, and she is now in the white light, at peace.â€￾

Services for Nikki Bacharach are pending.

Last edited by mark on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by steveo_1965 »

This is devastating....

My heart and prayers go out to both Burt and Angie..god bless Nikki...

May she rest in peace..and be with the Lord.


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Post by vincent.cole »

How sad indeed!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

My prayers are with Burt & Angie too!

Growing up in the 60's, one of my all time favorites was the instrumental Nikki and still is!

Mark, is there some way the fans from the forum can send cards to Burt & Angie?
Last edited by vincent.cole on Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
Take care;

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Post by Alvina »

Oh my, that is the worst thing for a parent and I am soooooooo devastated at this tragic news. I know she had all the love and care any child could possibly have, but some things we as parents have no control over. It's so hard being a parent to a normal(whatever that is) child and even more so with one with special needs. I also have a son with genetic abnormalities and i never stop worrying about him as I do all of them.
God bless you all in this terrible time of sadness.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you all.
Love to you,
ron hertel
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Post by ron hertel »

The loss of a child from any cause at any age is devastating. May all the pleasant memories of Nikki be a source of comfort to Burt, Angie, her siblings, family members and friends.
Love from Del Mar,
Ron & Betty Hertel
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Post by KeithBurke »

Somewhere there is sunshine.
Somewhere days are warm.
Somewhere there's a happy harbor
far from the storm.
Out where the sun shines there is someone
I'm meant to adore,
and I know the day I find her,
I'll smile once more.

Nikki, it's you.

Ed Ames (vocal)/Nikki: ... 0F1E1ECF47
Last edited by KeithBurke on Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blueonblue »

Absolutely shattered to hear this.....very, very sorry.
My thoughts and prayers are with Burt and his family at this
very sad time.....God bless you Nikki.

Andre B
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Lea Nikki

Post by Andre B »

I met Nikki and her mom about three years ago, at a birthday party for the science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. That morning I happened to be playing the song Burt wrote for Nikki on the piano, not knowing I would be meeting her that night. I told her about this interesting coincidence, and she said that song was one of the ways her dad told her he loved her.

She was a big fan of astronomy, and loved looking through telescopes. I had brought a telescope to Ray's party and showed her and Angie Mars and the Andromeda galaxy. Nikki was very fascinated with it all. She had a genuine, child-like sense of wonder about the sky. Angie couldn't have been sweeter or more gracious. I'll never forget that night. This is really sad news.
mario serra
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God Bless Nikki and her parents

Post by mario serra »

My condolences, from the deep of my heart to Burt & Angie fo this tragic loss. I remember talking with Burt about Nikki,just before the opening of the 2004 concert in Rome,Italy. I clearly felt, how much her parents loved her and aimed to obtain the best they could for her.
May God Bless Nikki,Burt and Angie in this sad and dark hour.

Mario Serra, Rome,Italy.
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condolences for Burt and Angie...

Post by gabba »

i really feel in trouble to find words to describe the pain of the family for this loss...Nikki was really extraordinary and she fought her entire life to get well and in good shape...she is sure in paradise...
An Enormous BB Fan
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Post by An Enormous BB Fan »

Burt doesn't know that I exist, but I feel such a closeness to him because of what his music has meant to me almost my entire life. I know we all feel this love and affection for this great and gifted man. It really hurts inside me now because I know, and we all know, the pain our beloved Burt is going through. I wish there were something I could do.
Roberto Pinardi
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So long Nikki....

Post by Roberto Pinardi »

Nikki (Lirycs by Hal David, Music by Burt)

Somewhere there is sunshine.
Somewhere days are warm.
Somewhere there's a happy harbor
far from the storm.
Out where the sun shines there is someone
I'm meant to adore,
and I know the day I find her,
I'll smile once more.

Nikki, it's you.
Nikki, where can you be?
It's you, no one but you for me
I've been so lonely since you went away.
I won't spend a happy day
'til you're back in my arms.

For ev'ry dream there is a dreamer,
and when dreams are gone,
for each wish
another star shines to wish up on.
Take all my dreams and all my wishes
Hold them in your heart.
Tell me soon we'll be together,
never to part.

Nikki, it's you.
Nikki, where can you be?
It's you, no one but you for me
I've been so lonely since you went away.
I won't spend a happy day
'til you're back in my arms.

Don't make me wait here in the shadows
till my life is done.
I can't live without the sunshine,
you are the sun.

Oh Nikki, it's you.

So long Nikki...
Burt, Angie, Your've Got a Friends....

Robero Pinardi and the italians Burt's...friends
Davide Bonori
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Post by Davide Bonori »

Really sad of this bad news.
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Post by lea989 »

My prayers go out to Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson at this time of the loss of their daughter. May God give them strength and peace. Does anyone know where cards can be sent?


N. Lee
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Post by dunsirn23 »

I want to express my condolences to Mr. Bacharach for the loss of his daughter.

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