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a spoiled Burt...

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:35 pm
by gabba
a spoiled and a little annoyed BUrt...
of course with such questions... :evil:

a better Burt here...

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:37 pm
by gabba
a better Burt here...

Auckland Press Conference

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:15 pm
by steveo_1965
Ty for posting this, Gabba..I have some thoughts here...after looking at the first link.
The young reporter was very irreverent, and acting like a
horse's rear end..I'm guessing it's because Burt was so late in getting there or perhaps her really doesn't dig Burt's style of music...
Sometimes what people forget to ask is why was he late? Extenuating circumstances can prevail, causing delays...
My take on the reporter was he was going to snub Burt on his TV report, and he did...
For god, sakes, man...Burt is not the president of the United States..he is a musical goodwill ambassador...
The questions that were asked at the beginning were not the best ones to ask until later, but they were asked anyway.
My sense is that upon arrival, Burt caught wind of the crowds dissatisfaction and was not too thrilled with the tudes, but went ahead and
blew it out as he was supposed to...
I don't think the press conference was as bad as reporter Dave made it out to be....


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:23 pm
by steveo_1965
The damn bass player...this is not "rock concert".... turn down...turn down!"

Please Explain

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:24 am
by Tom1234
Thanks for posting the video of Please Explain.
First time seeing that performed by Burt. He Rocks.
Any video floating around Burt doing Where Did It Go?


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:57 pm
by Jerry
There is a prevailing attitude---and a really nasty one, at that!---among the young myspace-daily show crowd---that anything or anybody is fair game and grist for the mill and it doesn't matter how revered that person is, or God forbid, if they even lost a daughter under tragic circumstances!
I think this is what happened here. There are pre-conceived notions about certain public figures; Burt Bacharach is certainly no exception. It was obvious that this news outlet was going into this with a pre-prepared 'spin'---they went for the jugular and edited the piece, obviously out of context and to their snarky satisfaction.
Isn't that the acceptable protocol these days.
They should be ashamed...if they had any.

something more...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:12 pm
by gabba

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:37 pm
by steveo_1965
Thanks for posting these 2 articles, Gabba..I see that there was some tension between the American Ambssador not wanting to meet with Burt..
i'm sure that might have colored burt's mood...
The second article is great!
