Wives and Lovers not on CD with Ron Isely

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Wives and Lovers not on CD with Ron Isely

Post by gcheves »

I would have loved to hear how Burt would have arranged Wives and Lovers for Ron Isely.
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Post by mark »

If I'm not mistaken, Ron expressed some interest in including "Wives and Lovers" on Here I Am, but Burt--and no doubt Ron's handlers--decided it was too politically incorrect for contemporary sensibilities. Which it is. But it's still a great song. With all due respect to Jack Jones, Burt's jazzy arrangement, first included on his self-titled 1971 album and later reprised on One Amazing Night, is probably my favorite version.[/i]
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Post by warbachavid »

I think it's a great song with GREAT lyrics!
ron hertel
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Post by ron hertel »

I agree - the message I get from the song is there's nothing wrong with taking reasonable measures to look your best (whether you're a man or a woman). Doesn't matter if you're getting ready for love, conducting business or whatever. I think you're right on the money Mark in citing the reason it was probably not included on the Isley project. Jack Jones made a similar observation when I recently saw him in concert and he brought up the "political correctness" issue before proudly performing the song. It's a great song - no apologies required!
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