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Sacha Distel Died

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:32 am
by Marcel
Sacha Distel who made the french version of Raindrops a big hit in France died at the age of 71

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:47 am
by GehVorbei
I´m genuinely shocked by the news, Marcel. Sacha Distel for me was always a member of the core "BB/HD family". I last saw him perform two years ago at the Royal Albert Hall event and he was so vital and his relationship with Burt and Hal was so warm and so cordial. And then there was his friendship with Dionne that went even beyond that; for 40 years they were close friends. The news must be a terrible blow for her. God bless!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:07 pm
by GehVorbei
Caught a hommage to Sacha on French t.v. this evening that was made up of a fairly recent studio interview and some clips from performances spanning his whole career. Over the end-credits they showed about 60 secs. of Dionne and Sacha doing "If We Could Stop Time" clearly coming from a 2003 music video, which I wasn´t aware of before. Beautiful to see them together, such great chemistry.