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I adore Burt

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:20 pm
by linmcclin
I have been spellbound with his unique and instantly recognisable blissful sound since I was fourteen years old. At that time I seemed to be the only one who "got it"..amonst my friends. And to this day...I have to stop in my tracks if I hear one of his compositions.....I just have to stay still and let it absorb me...........
Burt...I adore everything about you........from the way you look the way you sing...and to the depth of feeling you put into every one of your creations.....Thank you for being here...and please live until you are at least one hundred years old..........You are sheer magic....
Love from Linda from


Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:37 pm
by blueonblue
Hi Linda,
Welcome, and thank you.....I think you speak for all of us !!!!! :D

Take Care,


Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:54 pm
by gabba

None of my friends got it either...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:58 pm
by Major7thChordsLover
Linda...I experienced that too..( not one of my teenage friends used to understand why I loved Bacharach when I was 16) .
They used to call me "gran dad" for liking that "oldies stuff".
I remember getting cold shivers and goose bumps when I would hear certain chords on his music and thinking to myself..."if only they could hear what I hear"
If only they could understand how complex and brilliant Burt's music was/is.

Anyway, nearly 30 years on and I'm still getting goose bumps from Burt's music, and they( my friends) are no longer listening to Duran Duran!

Bravo Bacharach!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:02 am
by Massimo
I like Burt’s music since I was 10 years old (my first album was Portrait in music). At that time I started to study piano (actually, I’m a teacher): I always preferred Bacharach to Bach! My dream was (is?) to play (and to compose) music with him…
If I had to describe what love is, I’d say that is what I feel when I listen Bacharach’s music.

Massimo, from Italy

adoring Burt

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:19 am
by hereiam

Bacharach's music knocked me off when I was about 15 years old.
It was the time when the psychedelic music was evolving from the
main stream pop music. My school friends all changed their topic
from the pop chart to music by The Cream, Vanilla Fudge ... Deep Purple
... etc etc.
But at the other end of the spectrum, the MOR (what an under-rated term)
music like the Bossa Nova, Deodato, Jimmy Webb, Glen Campbell
and of course Dionne Warwick were also getting some airplay, esp.
in the wee small hours of the radio time.
As I had been exposed to more melodic music since my kid days in
the early to mid 60s, such wonderful styles just started make me
view music from a different perspective. They showed me how the
metaphor "the music is heavenly" could be a literal saying as
everytime I heard those music, they made me so "joyful" from
A local DJ played a lot of Dionne's rarities like Here I Am,
Wanting Things, Who's Gonna Love Me ... etc and wow
they really killed me.
Naturally I dug out the Bacharach's own albums for songs like
Nikki .... etc on my own. I was lonely (still am) as there's no
friends at my age who knew this music .. and I dare not tell them.

40 years has passed. In many of the forums, I use the nickname
webb-burt to remember 2 composers Burt Bacharach and Jimmy
Webb whose writing had changed my tastes in music 180 deg.
in the late 60s


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:48 am
by blueonblue
Hi hereiam,
You're not on your own........that's exactly how I feel !!!

Take Care,