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What were Burt's best of the 80s?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:41 pm
by mark
I'm currently formatting the update to Davide Bonori's discography for the site, and I'm noticing that there are quite of few Bacharach compositions from the 1980s--the Bayer Sager era mostly--that I'm unfamiliar with. I know the hits, but certain album tracks from artists like Neil Diamond, Patti LaBelle and Natalie Cole are a mystery to me.

How do they rank with Burt's all-time best? What do you think were Burt's best of the 80s?

my favorite

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 6:48 pm
by kbmiller
my favorite:
In my reality - Natalie Cole
Love is Fire, Love is Ice - Gladys Knight
Love Power - Dionne Warwick
In A World Such As This - Dionne Warwick
Split Decision - Natalie Cole

These were all from around 1987. I think he had an "energy" in these songs that set them apart. Very different from his 60's music, though.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:16 pm
by Vincent Cole

I just love 2 of the instrumentals from the 'Arthur - Original Soundtrack (1981)'.

1. "Touch"

2. "Money"

I just think they are unique pieces! 8)

Take care mon ami.


Best of the 80s

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:58 am
by Blair N. Cummings
I strongly agree with the above instrumental tracks from Arthur and would add a vocal selection from that ST: Fool Me Again.
Most of the collaborations with Bayer-Sager were pretty lame, but their album,Sometimes Late at Nght (with the exception of the two non-Bacharach songs), was very good.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:02 am
by mark
"Money" is a hidden gem that features a classic Bacharach melody. It reminds me slightly of "Little French Boy" from the <i>Casino Royale</i> soundtrack.

A lot of Burt's Bayer Sager-era compositions are arranged with synthesizers and keyboards that virtually scream '80s. Alec Cumming had a term I can't remember for that brand of synthesizer sound. To those who love the piano, strings and horns of his '60s recordings, the synthesizer-laden recordings can sound a little cheesey. I used to dismiss a lot of Burt's post-mid-70s work for its reliance on synthesizers and soprano saxophones and the like, but if you listen closely certain Bacharachian qualities start to shine through. You begin to pick up on the essential melody and notice quintessentially Bacharach chord changes and time signatures. Essentially, you start to hear the composition through the recording and a lot of those compositions are excellent.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:42 pm
by Guest
i had a conversation with burt's drummer (david crigger) in a hotel lobby about burt and carol's songs....when i implied that i too found some of them a bit cheesy..david seemed to take offense and proceeded to remind me that burt is not only a composer but a songwriter and a songwriter wants to write hits. i got the impression that crigger thinks highly of sager. from that night on i listened less me burt's weakest tunes are better than anyone else's best. i am sure we die-hard fans would love whatever burt threw into his wastebasket!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:48 pm
by Guest
i love the al jarreau song ,girls know how, from night shift

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:14 pm
by hicketyhackety927
I enjoy Burt's music from the 80s although much of it is different from music people associate with Burt Bacharach.
My top ten favorite Burt Bacharach songs from the eighties are as follows.
1. It's Only Love (Stephen Bishop)
2. On My Own (Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald)
3. Girls Know How (Al Jarreau)
4. Poor Rich Boy (Ambrosia)
5. That's What Friends are For (Instrumental; Burt Bacharach)
6. Heartlight (Neil Diamond)
7. Love Theme From Arthur (From Arthur 2; Burt Bacharach)
8. I'm Guilty (Neil Diamond)
9. Night Shift (Quarterflash)
10. Money (Burt Bacharach)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:35 pm
by Guest
Some of my favorites recorded in the 80's include:

Love Light (Barbra Streisand): Burt & Carole

You And Me For Always (Streisand): Burt & Carole

One More Time Around (Streisand): Burt & Carole

Sleep With Me Tonight (Patti LaBelle): Burt, Carole & Neil Diamond

Need A Little Faith (Patti LaBelle): Burt & Carole

Extravagant Gestures (Dionne Warwick): Burt & Carole

Heartbreak Of Love (Dionne Warwick & June Pointer): Burt, Carole & Diane Warren

Take Good Care Of You And Me (Dionne Warwick & Jeffrey Osborn): Burt & Carole

Finder Of Lost Loves (Dionne Warwick & Glenn Jones): Burt & Carole
Note: the original version used on the short lived TV series was recorded by Dionne & Luther Vandross - I assume that's sitting in a vault someplace and will someday be released

Also: there are a couple of 90's classics that are often overlooked:

Sunny Weather Lover (Dionne Warwick): Burt & Hal reunited for this one

Captives Of The Heart (Dionne Warwick): Burt & John Bettis

Syntesizer era

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:42 am
by Marcel
In the 80`s Burt and Carole wrote great songs.
But is was a different era.
It was the synthesizer and acoustic drums!
But that doesn`t mean that the songs are bad or less!
It was just a very commercial way.
Songs like: Thats what friends are for or Love Always and A front Page Story has that acousic way of drums (simmoms drums)
Real die hard fans of Burt ( as i am) know that Burt is a really good composer ( listen to the Woman album).
Carole is a fantastic lyricist.
Sometimes Late At Night is a gem of the two.
Thats my opinion

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:30 pm
by rob
Does anyone really want to listen to a Carol Bayer Sager album? How about those Neil Diamond album cuts that blend into the woodwork? The post-1980 Bacharach output simply does not compare to his work in the 60's. Some good songs here and there, but nothing in the same league as Anyone Who Had a Heart, In Between the Heartaches, The Look of Love, (or practically any song he composed in the 60's). Burt never lost his craft, but lets not mistake"Arthur's Theme" for art.


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:09 pm
by alvina2758
I loved the 80's.......had some great times dancing to a lot of them.

1.Sometimes Late At Night
2.I won't Break (Same album)
3.Wild Again .....ditto If these were recorded by someone else and promoted i believe they would be hits. i like carole's voice but know it's not for all.
4.On My Own
5.Auther's Theme
6.That's What Friends Are For
8.Extravagant Gesture's
9.Love Power
10.Finder's of Lost Love

I know there are more but these were the first to come to mind.
They totally fit the times as i see it. One can't compare them to the early ones. "I play the Sometime's Late At Night" one almost weekly. How many does one play that often for years. They just touch me in a special way.

Everybody forgot "Together Soundtrack"...

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:31 pm
by Tom Bragg
:P Hi friends,

I think you forgot the Together Soundtrack Album...

Not including such big hits like "That's what friends are for" and "On my own", I would propose my 80's Top-10 list as:

01 – I don’t need you anymore
02 – Street talk
03 – Stronger than before
04 – Sometimes late at night
05 – Fool me again
06 – It’s only love
07 – Heartlight
08 – Front end story
09 – Love power
10 – I think I’m gonna fall in love

Read you!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:50 pm
by Guest
I don't think I ever heard about these songs:

Street talk

Front end story

I think I’m gonna fall in love

Would you tell us more about them? (Artists, albums, movies; maybe something about the musical aspect itself...)

I do agree: several great songs in "Together?". That IS Bacharach at his best, in my judgment.

Front end story

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:13 am
by Marcel
The right name is FRONT PAGE STORY and is performed by Neil Diamond on the album Heartlight!
Great arrangement by BURT BACHARACH!
Street Talk is from the movie Nightshift, performed by BURT BACHARACH.
I don`t need you anymore is performed by Jackie de Shannon and is from the motion picture Together.