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burt... the grammys... lifetime achivement award... dud!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:14 pm
by Steve Schenck
I'm sorry - I've just left watching the grammy awards.... Burt gets an award; Earl Scruggs gets an award; Cab Calloway gets an award. Each was presented in about 7 seconds. Their pictures come up, and the presenters basically say, "These were great folks, they get a lifetime achievement award!" - I mean, none of their music is performed; no one says diddly about what contributions they made, what difference they made, what impact they had on the music scene, on their times, on the times that followed. It was all just so superficial and "token" -like. I couldn't watch anymore. I mean, I'm thrilled that Burt got this award. He totally deserves it. But the award as presented was nothing. I'd like to have heard about Cab Calloway (I saw him with Pearl Bailey in "Hello Dolly" in 1969, but I'd like to know more about the man and his music); I've heard of Earl Scruggs but really don't know much of his significance. I know Burt and his magnificent array of work; but this show sad just about nothing about these great men and their music. Instead, we got to hear Kanye West (definitely talented!) go on about how he needs to be the greatest artist of all time... Well... maybe... but hey, stay on the charts for 50 years first! Compose and perform in a variety of genres, for a variety of artists as well as yourself, and then we'll consider it! Sorry if I sound sarcastic, but I just watched 3 musical geniuses be given merely a passing nod under the title of "lifetime achievement award," and it doesn't sit well with me. Steve

I agree

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:45 pm
by Toms1234
Burt deserved a total segment with performances showcasing his music.

As for Mr West. Quick name one song he wrote.
I rest my case.


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:44 pm
by Andre B
You're so right Steve. The show overall was just a mess, not to mention pretty damn boring. Maybe it was so poorly conceived and organized because of the writer's strike, but Burt and the other lifetime acheivement winners deserved much better.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:40 pm
by steveo_1965
If i may throw my 2 cents in here regarding the Grammys...
First of all, I know Im not important, or a heavy and my opinion means nothing to anyone but me- BUT
that they just flashed a pic of Burt, and didn't have a live remote from where he was, or care to put on anything about him is a disgrace...just really cheezy...the whole show was lousy...with the exception of Ringo's appearance, and George Martin, who got cut off , and graciously just ended his speech, after Ringo's comment...
And im sorry Herbie Hancock, I love you as a player, and your solos and all on Enter The Dragon and other Movie scores - but you and the Japanese gentleman butchered Rhapsody in all were just playing with it...
the tempo was sooooooooooo slow, and mediocre....what a waste of
orcherstral mite....the concept of the tempo was lousy, although the cuts were fine.
Perhaps John Pauil Jones had a hand in this, I don't know....
As Sean Connery would say about this whole show, and especially Burt's segment...


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:33 am
by ron hertel
For many years I cleared my calendar in order to watch the grammy telecast. Last night - I accepted a last minute dinner invitation. Based upon what I heard and read today - I'm glad I did!


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:33 am
by Dennis Webb
The Grammys exist for the purpose of promoting the current stable of big pop stars, all those wriggling, jiggling, interchangeable faces and bodies whose primary function will be to promote clothing and cosmetics to the young target audience. Sorry, but it isn't much about the music anymore.

The American Idol program has shown us that there are a lot of very talented vocalists out there who could give fine performances of good material. But those who are lucky enough to have a career will be shaped to the current mainstream sound, so as to appeal to the largest possible audience of consumers. Nothing very original ever comes out of the mainstream anymore, and it's no surprise. Nothing could be more mainstream and controlled from a commercial standpoint than the Grammys.

Does anyone think Barack Obama actually merits a Grammy for reading from his book?.

If you want to know the worth of a piece of music or other art, look to your own heart and make your own judgment. The best art always finds and holds its audience and continues to do so over time and across generations. Burt's music continually finds new devotees each generation and that says it all.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:17 pm
by Jerry
Thank-You, Dennis for putting it all in such brilliant perspective!

I could not have said it better!

Best To All Bacharachians!


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:07 pm
by steveo_1965
I couldn't agree more with what Mr. Webb has said...
Hello, Jerry, how are things goin?


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:36 pm
by Jerry
Hey, Steveo---

Goin' great, thanks for askin'! Acting in a production of LEND ME A TENOR outside Philadelphia---playing the opera singer Tito, if you're familiar with it...very funny play!

More on-topic, though...SEVEN MEN FROM NOW continues to have a life: have a British director who is giving it a reading soon. For those who aren't familiar w/ SMFN, it's a show containing the adapted music of, not only, Mr. Burt Bacharach, but also, the Great Jimmy Webb (any relation, Dennis?) & Kennedy Center Honeree Brian Wilson (maybe when the present White House occupant vacates, Burt will be duly honored!)

Hope you are feeling well, every way!

For more info on my show, check out past the by, Sue Main & Burt's other reps know about the show and are anxious to see the finished product.

Thanks To All Yon Bacharachians!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:30 pm
by grooverider
Yes, Mr. Webb, thank you for putting the whole "the best___" in perspective for us.
Please remember that Milli Vanilli won a Grammy at one point!
Most award shows are promotional tools that the entertainment industry uses to sell a product.
The way the Grammy show slighted Mr. Bacharach makes it all the more evident how much music actually means to them.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:53 pm
by An Enormous BB Fan
I, too, was shocked at the lack of respect the Grammy people showed to their own honorees, and in particular how they only gave Burt a few seconds of air time. But I loved it when Andy Williams referred to Burt as "our greatest living composer". That was wonderful! And so true!

When the Oscar people give out their lifetime achievement award, they know how to do it.

Burt... The Grammys...

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:53 am
by someonenameddavid
But on the other hand, Mr. West did employ the ever lovely Eliza James to play one of the violins on his set production, so it wasn't all bad.... even though you could only see the darned fluorescent violins.
And if it hadn't have been for the writers' strike she would have been playing at the Governor's Ball too after the Oscars.

The Grammys have always been heavily criticized... the year the Beatles conquered America, what won? "Volare!"
