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Burt in Vegas May 11th

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:04 am
by Alvina
Hey guys,
I just found out from a fan that Burt has a concert not yet listed here at The Las Vegas Hilton on May 11th......a day before his birthday.
Barbara and I plan to room together and see the show.
If anyone is planning to go let me know and perhaps we can actually meet before or after the show.
Vincent will be calling for extra security with the two of us together no telling what might happen lol.
Love to you all,
Alvina :D

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:39 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
And the next day Burt will turn 80 years old.

I don't believe it..... I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HOW???

Reply to: Alvina

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:57 am
by vincent.cole
Bonjour Alvina;

I am going to have Security do, a 2nd ‘Silences of the Lambs’ on the both of you! You will be shackle to your chairs, until the concert is over (lol)! Can’t have you 2 roaming free during the performance (lol). Then you will be free to take plenty of photos and write a report for the forum, after the show.

In any event, Alvina & Barbara, enjoy the concert!

Take care mon ami’s.
