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This year's Election

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:57 am
by beatlefan1957
Hi.. I absolutely adore Mr. Bacharach!!
I have been listening to him since I was 5 years old--and I'm 51..
I have cried and cried to his music for decades, and, without a doubt he is my favorite composer.
That being said...
Can SOMEONE explain to me..WHY when he wrote such magnificent lyrics such as
"Who are these people who are destroying our lives"
He can be listed on Wilkepedia as a John McCain financial contributor???!!!!!???
It Makes NO sense to me-- and makes me SO sick..I want to vomit..
Any help would be DEEPLY appreciated!!
If McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 1000 years.. What is up with Burt writing "Who are these people" in one breathe,
and supporting HIM in another? HELP!!

Re: This year's Election

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:31 am
by nymusicalsguy
I think only Burt could answer that, but celebrities have been known (and often!) to refute the information contained on those kinds of lists. I would be very, very surprised if Burt is supporting John McCain this year, but again, if he is, I'm sure he has his reasons. I'm happy to let him keep those reasons personal.

Re: This year's Election

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:57 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
By Burt`s admission, he has not been the most politically involved (or astute) individual. He does ...other things.My guess is that he (and not he alone) has bought into the "independent" label that McCain and his handlers like to bandy about. I imagine, too, that McCain`s (mis-represented) tenure as a POW played a role in attracting Burt`s sympathies.
Without politicizing the forum, I will venture to say that most Americans believe the general thrust of what the mainstream corporate media print and air every day. No one wants to believe he is being lied to as a matter of policy.
In the end, I believe that Burt is guilty, at most, of naivete.
Maybe someone should encourage him to check out websites such as: or for an expanded perspective.
I wouldn`t worry that Burt has become a neo-con or worse.
As he said regarding the turmoil of the Nixon years, "I was writing love songs."

Re: This year's Election

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:04 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
I should add that I would be astonished to learn that Burt had not also contributed to the Obama campaign. And maybe Nader`s as well.
I seem to recall that he spread his largesse over a wide political spectrum a few years ago as well.

Re: This year's Election

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:04 pm
by beatlefan1957
Hi! I'm the writer of the original "This year's election post".
The 3 responses so far, have made me feel SOO much better!!
Thank you!!
It seems Burt's fans are as astute and wonderful, as Mr. Bacharach is!
B.T.W.-- Does ANYONE else love the You Tube Videos of:
"Burt Bacharach conducts Children on "The World is a Circle" and
"The List of the Things I'll Miss?//
Both from Lost Horizon?
Thank you--everyone!!