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karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:00 am
by gabba
Speaking about of the venue in Sanremo:i don't think Karima Ammar is a protege' of Burt!!
In my opinion,as usual in this biz,it's a matter of give and take;and like Mario Biondi,our old Burt lives a kind of obligation for the fact is well received in our country,and accept to play with the new discovery of our musical ambient.
But Karima,with due respect,is nothin more(for the moment at least)than a likable performer...and like Mario Biondi she has absolutely no taste for Burt's music.The voice is interesting but nothin more than that!!!
Remember always that people like John Pagano along with Josie james have troubles to be accepted as "soloist performers" in their country,and to earn money they need to accept to be "placed" like supporting singers.And i think there is no comparison with this 2 artists with the names mentioned above.
Sorry ,this is what i feel about the "story"!
Very glad anyway Burt comes again this summer in Italy again...bye GABBA

Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach....

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:49 am
by Roberto Pinardi
& Mario Biondi....
Yes....Mario Biondi will be at the Sanremo Festival With Burt and Karima!


Roberto :D

Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:52 am
by Roberto Pinardi
For italians friends

Sul palco del Teatro Ariston sarà “mister” Burt Bacharach (3 Premi Oscar e 6 Grammy Awards in carriera) a dirigere l’orchestra nell’esecuzione della canzone “Come in ogni ora” interpretata da Karima e Mario Biondi: nome tra i più famosi nella musica mondiale, una vera “leggenda” che ha deciso anche di produrre Karima seguendola in studio nella realizzazione del disco (un ep di 6 canzoni, una delle quali scritta proprio da Bacharach!) che uscirà il 20 febbraio per la Di and Gi srl, distribuito dalla Sony Music, e prodotto dalla D’Alessandro e Galli, che cura anche il management della cantante.


Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:08 pm
by Roberto Pinardi

Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:46 pm
by gabba
Dear Roberto,you know how much i respect you and i'm glad to be your friend...BUT....
these two artists,i mean it,cannot perform in english language..sorry..
They have good vocal material but... the style does'nt "fit" the way this kind of music has to be performed.
Good luck for them to have this chance to sing with "The Man"!!!
nothing more to add...bye GABBA

Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:32 am
by Roberto Pinardi
:D :D :D

So long
old friend!!!!!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink:


Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:09 pm
by Roberto Pinardi comment :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Mario & Karima



Re: karima ammar and burt bacharach

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:12 am
by Roberto Pinardi
una grande intervista di Vigorito, qui: ... rainet.asx


For italian Fans, sorry
