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John Pagano
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:42 pm
by Mary in Colorado
I'd really like to find a CD by this guy. He was incredible when performing with Burt in Denver - as was the entire ensemble. Is there any chance of a CD with the entire evening's works?
re: John
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:08 pm
by Alvina
Hi Mary,
It would be great to have an entire album of his work, however I haven't heard of one. Maybe someone else might have that answer. Actually Josie and Donna also have phenomenal voices as well.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:25 pm
by ron
As previously stated - Burt's concert in San Diego last month featuring the vocal talents of John, Josie and Donna (Burt as well) was worthy of being issued as a "Live In Concert" album (CD). While on this subject - why has there never been a professionaly recorded "Live In Concert" album featuring Burt & Dionne performing together. I've been fortunate enough to see them together 3 times; however most of you have not had the opportunity to experience this (except for the A&E special taped at the Rainbow Room in New York).
John is obviously ready to take the plunge with a well produced solo project!
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:35 am
by Vincent Cole
Bonjour Mary;
After the Burt concert in Long Island New York (June 2004), I spoke to John a little about performing. I told John that, "he should be on Broadway". John indicated to me, that he was waiting for someone to give him a contract!
Who knows why not only John, but Donna and Josie don't have their own contracts as well!
If this were the 60's, this would not be an issue. As many artists have indicated, the music industry has changed!
A great voice doesn't mean anything these days!
Take care;
Vincent: resident sage
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:14 pm
by Alvina
As usual you hit the nail on the head. Often my husband and I comment on this subject as we see a performer (many times local talent). They have so much talent and need little bells and whistles to showcase that talent, unlike many of the big stars of today, who for whatever reason have been in the right spot at the right time and I would assume a good agent that markets them. They then put together a slick video and off goes a career. I wonder how many we will see in 5 or 10 years. I do think perserverance is so important. As Burt says you have to be tough to weather that storm. Enjoy your Dionne concert my friend.
Reply: Alvina
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:53 pm
by Vincent Cole
Bonjour Alvina;

Well I wouldn't go that far to call me a sage about today's music! Most people who have been in the industry for years are saying the same thing!
I just hope things would some how turn around in the music field! I guess I am, "Wishing And Hoping".
Yes, I will be seeing Dionne in Morristown New Jersey on Saturday, September 18, 2004. I saw Burt there in 2002.
Will post a report on the forum.
Take care mon ami and say hello to your husband Chick for me.

John Pagano
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:29 am
by Guest
Just saw Burt's show at The Orleans in Las Vegas tonight. Closing night.
The entire show was absolutely amazing and my friend Dennis Wilson (whom I didn't know plays with Burt regularly) did a splendid job on his woodwinds.
I was further WOW'd by the male singer, John Pagano. Man, does this guy have a VOICE! When he sang "This Guy's In Love With You" I got chills!
I got a chance to speak briefly with him afterwards and confirmed (as in other posts both on this board and the old board) that he does not have a current CD. I hope someone gives this brother a chance!
He does have a CD
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:04 pm
by Guest
Actually, John did have a CD....
A friend of mine let me borrow it, but it wasn't that impressive. Guess maybe he's better live? Anyway, sounds like he had a shot... ... ce&s=music
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:48 pm
by ron
Did not recognize any of the track listings. Perhaps it was the choice of inappropriate material that resulted in the unimpressive results! John does have a great voice!
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:08 pm
by Mitch Wein
He does have a great voice! The style on the CD is 90's pop (pop-lite maybe?) and I liked it pretty well. Would love to have something with live performances, though. The CD isn't very Bacharach-ish.
Does anyone have any tapes of live performances? Or are any for sale?

Anyone heard the news?
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:49 pm
by Amos_Fan_1
Supposedly.. pop-diva Tori Amos is getting together with the rugged BB for a twin-CD pack that's supposed to make Dionne quit smoking!!!!
If anyone can confirm or deny, please let me know.