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Played Bach
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:55 pm
by Guest

It was in the sixtees, when I heard a long play record of Burt Bacharach. I asked the owner for the title and he replied "Played Bach" or Plaý`s Bach" by Burt Bacharach(instrumental) Since than I cannot find this record or title any more. Anyone an idea?
Greetings from Dieter
play bach
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:09 am
by Marcel
indeed was there an album but it was called Bach/Beatles/Bacharach
but it was not done by Burt Bacharach himself.
i was some kind of english product (orchestra).
so sorry for you that it isn`t Burt himself
kind regards Marcel
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:27 pm
by Guest

Hello Marcel,
thank you for your replie. I`m afraid I have to search again, because I can`t get that record out of my head.
Kind regards Dieter