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“If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:36 am
by vincent.cole
This past Sunday I was listening to the CD, ‘From the Vaults.’

I haven’t heard the song, “If I Ever Make You Cry” in a long time (I played this song 9 times in a row to get the full impact!!

At the 2:28 minutes into this wonderful gem from Dionne, Burt & Hal, as the saying goes, “Houston we have lift off!” Dionne really blasts this song into orbit!!!

Unlike no other composer on Planet Earth, Burt takes it Heavenly bound with those horns @ the end!!!

By the way, if you really turn up the volume in the intro, you can hear Burt says to Dionne, “Are you ready baby!”

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:53 am
by steveo_1965
I remember this little is a truly delightful
Bacharach/Warwick cut....not mainsrtream material, but
wonderful to those who dig the Burt and Dionne style...
I like this cut very much. The heavenly trumpet solo
over that "sea of strings" of Burt's is really cool at the end!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:40 am
by steveo_1965
Apparently, If I Ever MAke you Cry was issued as the "B" side to the 45 Are You There, Scepter 12122 back in the day!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:15 pm
by An Enormous BB Fan
Oddly enough, it is songs like this that I feel really define Burt's unique stamp on music itself! Don't get me wrong -- I love Burt's hit songs. But I feel that Burt's true and unique genius for composing is exemplified more in songs like this great song than even in his more popular and well-known songs.

Also, I believe that dibotis had uploaded this song to youtube, too. He made this rarity available for the whole word to find, listen to, and love. But, sadly, the powers that be forced him to remove all his songs. So, now, how will people ever find this song?

And Vincent: You're so right about "Houston we have lift off!". Burt's songs are filled with moments like this. And that's a great analogy, too, because most songwriters don't have a clue about how to give you that moment and that wonderful feeling in their song. Most songwriters can't write material that gives you goosebumps, the way Burt can. Burt has those moments in this songs all the time, and that's another reason there's no one like him.

And steveo_1965, you're so right about Burt's orchestration. No one has his talent for orchestration either. He knows exactly how to build a song and how to tear you apart. He's just the best!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:49 pm
by vincent.cole

I could name a few more songs that Burt, Dionne & Hal had that were also on the “B” side of the 45's!

To tell you the truth, some of the “B” sides are just incredible!!! I made mention of these before, but have to mention them again.
How Many Days Of Sadness’ & ‘Who is Gonna Love Me?” Why these gems were not major hits is beyond me!!! As you indicated, they were “not main stream material!!!”

An Enormous BB Fan;

I am on the same page with you about, (“Burt's true and unique genius for composing is exemplified more in songs like this great song than even in his more popular and well-known songs”!!!) In addition, I would love to know what process goes through Burt’s brain to come up with these gorgeous endings on many of his songs!!!

Take care mon ami(s). :D


Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:36 pm
by igtmfo33
This is either my favorite BB tune ever, or it's at least my favorite BB deep cut.

It has high drama .... that quick (and unusual harmonic) modulation after the above lyric is stated and drawn-out by Dionne ... does that represent a transition between/from an A section to a B section, or maybe it's all a part of the verse ... can a soul even identify verse/chorus/bridge in this gem? .. Burt doesn't mind if we get lost figuring it out ...

It has high beauty ... that lay-out between "may I never hear somebody say" ... crescendo, two beats of silence, then ...... (sigh) then "A tender word ..." ...

And just beautiful melodies throughout.

And a great theme ... the trumpet part ....

And that it must have been a bitch for Dionne to sing, the way she holds out the "cry-y-y" each time over several bars and also the timing of the "even once" line. It's all "in three" I think upon further remembrance (no time changes or dropped beats or anything my brain tells me) but the phrasing on the above parts isn't easy. Also a big range needed to sing it! It would help if I put on the tune and listened before I made these statements, but I'm enjoying playing it in my mind too much.

And thanks Burt! .... Write another one like that!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:34 pm
by vincent.cole
Bonjour Igtmfo33;

Fantastic summation!!!

Not to many signers could pull off what Dionnne did @ her zenith!!!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 10:28 pm
by BachtoBacharach
Is there any question that Dionne's incredible chops allowed Burt to go places musically that he would have never been able to do with a less talented vocalist. The Bacharach/David/Warwick triumvirate was what we would call in this current day synergistic in such an incredible way that has and I believe will never be matched again. I seem to recall Burt saying that Dionne counted out a tempo in Anyone Who Had A Heart while in his Manhattan apartment. Hal was in the bedroom finishing the lyric while he and Dionne were going over the tune which was unfinished and he was surprised that there was a really odd tempo that even he had failed to note and score. Back In the day of 1963, how fortunate was Burt to have a conservatory trained singer and musician who happened to be black and by former experience a gospel singer much less, interpreting the most beautiful compositions musically and lyrically. Little is ever said about the doors Dionne along with Burt and Hal opened or in reality kicked down for the black women coming after Dionne like Diana Ross and Aretha Franklin. David Nathan callls Dionne the first modern pop singer and the breathtaking sound the three originated still stands well above the typical musical fare of the day. The trio should be given their due by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but the fact that they remain without induction is a testament to the relative irrelevance and political nature of the RRHOF. Dionne, Burt and Hal are bigger than the RRHOF (as are many of the acts already inducted) and their relevance would not be enhanced by their induction, in my opinion. Dionne was probably the most charismatic female singer of the sixties coupled with the most charismatic composing team. We will never know that peculiar magic again but we will always have their incredible works of art to listen to.

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:25 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Brilliantly stated, BachtoBacharch!

Re: “If I Ever Make You Cry”

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:25 pm
by vincent.cole
Bonjour BachtoBacharch;


As I stated many times, it's reprehensible that Burt, Dionne and Hal are not in the RRHOF!!! :evil: Who are these people on this body? Maybe they need some new members who don’t see through tinted glasses!!!