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Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:50 am
by mato
Hello! I'm new here and would appreciate any help with going to this concert. I'm from Croatia so this is a great chance for me to see Burt perform live because it's only 5 hours away from Zagreb where I live. I need help on buying the ticket. What is the best place and anything else you can help me with. I would be very greatful for any kind of help. Thanks!

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:22 pm
by mserra
My friend cotact
They are the reponsable organization of Burt Bacharach's italian concerts tour.

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:45 am
by cipus
.......and c/o " ticketone " too, obviously!!
See you in Brescia, nice city, our new Croatian friend


Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:01 am
by mato
First of all I apologise for writing a bit longer post than usual but I wanted to share my experience of watching Burt perform live with people who feel the same way. Attending his concert was a dream come true for me. Ever since I first saw the Austin Powers movie and Burt playing (and singing!) What The World Needs Now on top of that double-decker red bus I was captured by his music. I searched all over the internet to find everything about him and the music he has written, bought every CD I could get my hands on. Going to school at the time seeing him live in concert was far from reality but since I've finished school in the meantime and got a job it gave me the possibility to make my dream come true. I know he was in Italy many times and since I'm from Croatia it was the most logical place to go. I've chosen Bresica because it was the closest to me. Taking the night train from Zagreb to Venezia and another train to Brescia was a very hard and long journey but eventually worth it. I arrived to Brescia on the day of the concert and after resting I decided to take a walk and find the place where the concert will be held. I was extremly happy when I got close to the place and heard the song The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance so I rushed towards the square. Burt and the band were having their rehearsal but only for about ten more minutes so I was a bit dissapointed because I didn't arrive earlier. I took a few photos and went back to the hotel very excited about the concert. Even though the ticket said it was forbidden to take photos without authorization I still took my camera and I'm happy I did. I liked the opening act very much, it was really great music and Karima is a great singer. I will definitely try to find more of her music. The concert itself was amazing, I'm really lost for words to describe the feeling of listening to the songs being performed live with the man who wrote them behind the piano. I also play the piano so he's without a doubt my biggest influence and a role model. The best moments of the show for me were when he was singing, anything, just as long as he was singing it. It just felt so natural for someone who wrote the songs to sing along even if he's not actually a singer. Alfie was the highlight. People say that he's can't sing but that's not the point, he's fantastic for doing it anyways, many people wouldn't have the courage to do that. Personally, his performance of the song Make It Easy On Yourself from his album in 1969 is my favorite song ever and no song will ever take that place. The arrangement on the song if brilliant, so much different from other versions. After the concert finished I had only one, actually two things in mind: autograph and a photo with him. First I waited on the right corner of the stage and for the first time I wasn't happy with fact that I speak Italian because the man said: Basta, mi dispiace. They only allowed for about ten people to enter backstage. Still, I wasn't ready to give up so I went to the other corner where some people were also waiting. It was getting late, waiting for almost an hour and nothing was happening so I was left with three more younger fans. They decided to go around the stage where Burt was suppose to leave and I followed. As we got there the singers were leaving and there was about ten people also waiting there. After about ten minutes the bodyguards looked at each other and I knew it was the moment. Burt got out surrounded with the escort and went for the van waiting to take him to his hotel. It was a short moment while he was putting his bag in the van when I thought to myself: This is it, he's going to get in and leave. I can't even say how happy I was to be wrong. He just left a bag in the van and started walking towards us. He signed autographs and said a couple time: Thank you for waiting, thank you for waiting. I gave him my ticket which he signed and I could hardly say thank you because I couldn't believe I'm standing next to him. I just couldn't ask him to take a picture with me, I was lost for words. That is the influence he had on me. Still, I was happy to get an autograph which I will frame and put on my piano. And I managed to take a few pictures of him signing the autographs so I'm very happy with that. Arriving home early this morning I was so happy to be back but so sad that my adventure has finished. For a moment I got the idea to stay in Italy and head to Rome for his final concert but I had to go back because of work. Now I just hope he comes back to Italy next summer and I will definitely be there! Also, please if someone has photos from the concert and they are willing to share contact me by private message. I have taken some photos but my camera isn't that good so please share! I would like to have as many memories as possible of this very special moment in my life.

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:19 pm
by vincent.cole
Bonjour Mato;

Thank you very much for sharing your joy during the concert and meeting Burt after the show!

Burt was not going to leave if he see fans waiting for him!

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:32 pm
by Rio
Why do posts like this make me so sad? Tears come out of my eyes. It is always so nice to know about people who appreciate Burt and his music as much as I do.

It is nice to read that he said "thank you for waiting" -- and that you wanted to point that out as well. Burt and his fans are a special bunch, me thinks.
Thank you so much for writing.

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:41 pm
by Burtelich
So happy you made it Mato - and that you discovered Burt's music which I am convinced will follow you for the rest of your life, like it has me and others. By the way, did you notice in one of my comments (Antwerp concert) that Ms Bacharach is actually Croatian??? Burt told me -I had suspected her to be Danish - like me! She has a very Danish sounding last name.. Lots of Burtly love to you and yours.. take care.

Re: Burt's concert in Brescia on 22.07.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:27 am
by cipus
Dear Mato, i'm Claudio Novelli, the man with the big white flag, that in Brescia, in the first line, make a big " trouble " whit all the fans of " The Music of Burt Bacharach Official Italian Fans Club "! I'm very happy for you and for your enthusiasm. If you want take a look of many pics of all Burt Italian concert, go to Facebook at our address. In the same time, if you like it, sign your name and join with us! You will " benvenuto "! Ciao.