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Burt with Trainca in Rotterdam (North Sea Jazz)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:40 pm
by Marcel
Hello everyone,

For the first time i saw my hero live on stage! :D
Yeah !!! :D
The show took only one hour :evil: (he was doing 2 shows from one hour)
He started with his early hits ( he wrote together with the other great legend ) Hal David. :)
Later on he was joined by Trainca.
Which he did three songs : Falling out of love, Who`ll speak for love and Waiting for Charlie to come home!
Great to see those two together on stage.
Burt was so pleased to be with Trainca on stage and even she spokes (in English) that she was feeling great to be part of his show!
And to be honest, for a man of his age he lookes really fit like a younger guy!
I am glad that i saw Burt for the first (and maybe for the last time?) on stage and to be a long time fan of him (40 years now)
On the 13th he will be playing in Oslo where i live now, but because of my very tight schedule for my work i won`t be able to see him there. (i have to go to Asia for a while)
Anyhow, once again i am a very happy guy that is saw this Legendary Man ! (because that`s what he is!)

BURT,thank you very much for writing those incredible songs that you gave to the world!

Kind Regards,
Marcel :D