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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:11 pm
by Keith In Orange County

I am looking to trade a COPY of the complete soundtrack of the incidental music from the Lost Horizon score for a COPY of Futures on CD. I had this 3 CD collection professionally extracted from the laser disc by
Beautifully restored this is a rare opportunity to have a COPY of the COMPLETE background music from this wonderful score. Please contact me at if you have a COPY of the FUTURES on CD and would like to do a trade.
Many thanks, Keith.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:43 pm
by Guest
I'll let someone else have a chance first. I have two copies but am not sure I should trade.
Nice offer, though.

Futures & stephanie Mills "for the first time"

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:00 am
by nateybird
I only scanned it briefly, but it looks like "futures" is pretty much CD 3 of the new box set. I just placed my pre-order. I feel silly that i'm this excited!

But as far as futures goes, i have seen it on-line in the past few months on CD for around a hundred bucks, one was an import from japan. here you can have futures in this box set form for $90, and have 4 other discs to listen to!!!

NOW AS FOR ME I want stephanie mills "for the first time" on CD. It was listed as $100 on that's a lot, and it was released in 1991 so the remastering technology was not really up to snuff then. I finally bought it on ebay LP record for $5. When will this precious gem get another CD release with better remastering!?!?!