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Saw Promises Promises last night

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:49 am
by Steve Schenck
Well, at long last I was able to get a good seat to the show. Here are some of my thoughts:

It was terrific! Far better than I'd hoped it would be. Sean Hayes was outstanding. I hesitate to say this, but I kind of feel I must - he might have been even better than Jerry Orbach, whom I saw in the role in 1969 in the original production. His singing may not have been as good as Jerry's, but his comic sense of the role was terrific. He won the audience over in unique ways. There were groans of sympathy when his love for Fran went unrecognized, when it dawns on him that Fran is the one Sheldrake is meeting in his apartment, when she doesn't show up for the basketball game, and so on. He put spins on the situations that made me laugh out loud. And while I commented here earlier that I thought his singing on the cast album was flawed in places, his singing last night was superior.

Kristen is good; I think as good as she could be given that, in my humble and limited assessment, she is just wrong for the part. Too mature and wise to convincingly portray the ingenue that Fran is supposed to be. But she made the most of it and the audience loved her.

All the other principals were terrific, and everything said about Kate Finneran is deserved and then some. Some reviewers have said the show doesn't come alive till she opens the second act. I disagree; I found it a VERY alive show, to which she adds even more life, and incredibly so. Their scenes in the bar and then in Jack's apartment make them so loveable and add a real charm to the show.

The other executives, they of the "Where Can You Take a Girl" number, were also great. And their rendition of the song was, again, better, I think, that what I remember 40 years ago; and I say this as one who perhaps sometimes remembers past glories as more glorious than they were. Regarding choreography and direction, kudos to Mr. Ashford. As was done with the Encores! revival a dozen years ago, the company danced through the overture, which cleverly and delightfully introduces the audience to the place, time and spirit of the show. They danced their way through the cast call, as well, to great effect. The only song on which I felt the choreography didn't work was "She likes BB." Too acrobatic and not teribly connected with basketball.

My sole and significant disappointment was the orchestra - too small. Tunick did the best he could with a trimmed down orchestra, but the songs that cried out for sizeablle brass and string sections, like the overture, the grapes of roth and of course, turkey lurkey time, sorely missed the instruments.
As others have noted, PP was very unusual in that its title song is not sung till the very end, has no reprise, and isn't a big "production number." But Ashford made up for that by having the cast sing a bit of it once they were all out there and taking their group bows. The aduience was on its feet during the whole cast call, which made creative use of that fantastic orchestra. People left ehs theater singing, dancing and remarking about the tremedous music that just gets you moving. I'm so glad Promises Promises has seen the light of day again; and not as a cadaver, but as a resurrected and lving, breathing artistic genius.

Re: Saw Promises Promises last night

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:15 pm
by Rio
Can't say how happy I am that you thought this highly of the show and chose to share it with us.

Re: Saw Promises Promises last night

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:50 am
by steveo_1965
Thanks for sharing with us your experience.It sounds very cool!


Re: Saw Promises Promises last night

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:30 pm
by dwp425
Well, I just saw the show last Wednesday night, August 4th. Fabulous, hilarious, a must see for true Bacharach fans. I had high expectations and they were exceeded! Sean Hayes had the audience in stitches ... brilliant.

I debated about spending the money for this trip ... flew from Cleveland, OH to NYC. Bought tickets seven rows from the stage. Believe me, it was worth every penny. The acting was great, and as each song came along, it was like a visit from an old friend. I've waited my whole life for this and never expected I'd get the chance to see this show on Broadway (was too young during its original run). Having now done it, I don't think my life would have been the same had I decided not to go.

If anyone is debating or is on the fence, and you really love this music (which I assume you do or you would not be on this forum), you must go. You only live once and you'll not be sorry.

Re: Saw Promises Promises last night

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:57 pm
by Rio
Thanks, dwp425!!!
I get busier every day, but I so wish to go...
Either way, I'm thrilled to know when fans like you enjoy the show so much.