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Burt in San Diego

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:51 pm
by Alvina
Hi all,
It was a great show but a very cold night . i mean they were selling blankets.
The Pops did about 3o minutes and then Burt and company did 90 . He seemed in good spirits and i will post some pics when i have more time and remember how lol. Just got back from N.Y. left 1 day after the Cali trip.
Anyway Burt didn't look any worse for the wear of surgery..he has been in my opinion too thin for years. He couldn't bow because of his back but looked great. He had his family there . i last saw them 6 yrs ago and they grew up..IMAGNE !! They are very good looking kids.
I spoke with Jose a bit and she is in studio recording. i asked her if Amazon would be selling it and she said yes, you will know about it. So we will wait. i have loved all of the singers and they are all so gracious to speak to us all.
I talked to John a bit and had 2 albums he made...he couldn't believe i bought the first. He called it his Funk album but "Pure Imagination" will be a favorite forever.
I did talk to Burt and Jane and gave Burt a hard copy of his dad's helpful hints for houswives. jane said they only had soft cover so i was happy i finally got it to him.

Re: Burt in San Diego

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:56 am
by vincent.cole
Bonjour Alvina;

Thanks for your post of the show!

Your reporting is on par with Lois Lane (lol)! Really enjoyed our phone conversation on Friday!

I'm am so happy that you and Barbara got backstage to see Burt and his family! :D Thanks for sending me some photos of the meet and greet after the show. That photo of You, Barbara and Josie is just wonderful! It's great to know that Josie is coming out with a CD! 8)

Who knows what 2011 will bring in regards to Burt touring. But I am sure we will see each other @ another Burt Concert!

Take care mon ami.


Re: Burt in San Diego

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:19 am
by Alvina
Hi vincent,
I just wish i had found Donna for that picture. i never saw her. It was a bit chaotic out there.

Re: Burt in San Diego

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:01 pm
by Susan Vincent
I would love to see the pics also.. Sounds like it was amazing. In 2011 there has to be a seat for me. My email is if you dont mind sharing pictures would really enjoy seeing them. Thanks Susan !!! :D