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All kinds of people

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:18 pm
by Marcel
Today whe live in a very dangerous world.
Things that no one ever could or would believe did happens.
And when i hear ALL KINDS OF PEOPLe and you listen closely to the lyrics.
Then its true what Hal wrote, we should have more compasion and help each other.
Look back what happens in the states,or with christmas in Asia.
All these teribble things.
Lets make it safer and let bring us back the joy and laughter!
Thank you HAL and BURT for this song to consider!!


kind regards MARCEL

:cry: :) :D 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:58 pm
by Guest
I so agree with you. "All Kinds of People" was an attempt at another
"What the World Needs Now"...didn't become the standard that they hoped..but it is a dang good song!
I just wish we could get more songs like this.. that have inspring lyrics and music.