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Burt songs on American Idol

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:00 pm
by Toms
I know Burt appeared on American Idol the first season and
many of his songs were covered.
Why no Burt songs in auditons or live performances in the current season?
Would think one would score a few extra points with some of the popular songs that Burt has had.
To hard to sing? Singers playing it safe? I understand they have a play list they choose from. Just Wondering if any Burt songs are on the list this year.

Burt songs hit American Idol tonight.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:01 pm
by Toms
Two out of the Twelve songs were Burt and Hals,
tonight on American Idol.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:29 am
by Guest
Which ones, please? How did singers and arranger fare?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:29 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Anonymous wrote:Which ones, please? How did singers and arranger fare?
A guy sang "A House Is Not A Home" -- he did okay. But he changed a few notes and I couldn't figure out why because he didn't make the song any better believe me!! And his low range at the beginning wasn't all that good.

A gal sang "Anyone Who Had A Heart" and she did a very good job with it. I think her voice was one of the best of the 12. But, unlike the INCOMPARABLE Dionne, she used her hands and arms too much at the end and got overwrought, in my opinion. She ended up yelling and not singing.

The arrangements of both songs were very good. But, of course, they didn't come close to Burt's genius. And no one would expect that, of course.

Isn't it something, though, that out of all the great songs of the 60's, 2 of the 12 were Bacharach/David songs? I haven't been watching American Idol, but I heard on another show that this week they would be singing songs from the 60's, so I was curious to see if they would do any of Burt/Hal's tunes. And, of course, they did! The greatness of Burt & Hal will go on forever.

I can't stand Simon. He's a nasty bastard who seems to take delight in humiliating some singers who actually were very good. Luckily, everyone watching knows he's a skunk, so I'm hoping the singers weren't too devastated by his remarks. Even Randy Jackson had some undeserved nasty comments. Maybe that's what brings in the ratings, I don't know.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:59 pm
by Guest
The show is an abomination!!!

Well said Simon

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:43 pm
by guest
Well said Simon

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:52 am
by Guest
"Tee Hee"