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Beautiful Newish Burt song...

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:49 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
...under the radar.
I`ve just spent too much time unsuccessfully trying to copy the link, so go to YouTube and type : Nikki Jean - Part 4.
It`s a song called Pennies In a Jar by a beautiful and nearly unknown young woman who also has collaborated with Jimmy Webb ("China"). This is part of a seven song video of a live performance. Her debut album is on the way.

Re: Beautiful Newish Burt song...

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:36 pm
by blueonblue
Blair, thanks for the"heads-up" on this one.......any new Bacharach song is always exciting news !
And this is no exception......utterly sublime !
....can't wait for this lady's album !


Re: Beautiful Newish Burt song...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:57 am
by kyleburke
Nikki Jean's debut album has been released, and is happily titled "Pennies in a Jar":

Re: Beautiful Newish Burt song...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:36 am
by nymusicalsguy
I can't recommend Nikki Jean's new album enough. "Pennies in a Jar" (the title track) and Nikki's co-write with Thom Bell (who hasn't been nearly as prolific as Burt in recent years), "How to Unring a Bell," will both linger with you way beyond the first listen. But the entire album is truly remarkable, with the singer teaming up to co-write with Bob Dylan, Carole King, Carly Simon, Lamont Dozier, Jimmy Webb, Jeff Barry, Paul Williams and others. Don't hesitate to pick this one up, folks!

Re: Beautiful Newish Burt song...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:15 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
This is a long-awaited reward for Nikki (no, I still don`t know her). After stringing her along for a year, Columbia Records dropped her last spring dismissively telling her that "Nobody cares about these writers." "These writers", of course, being her collaborators and among the most creatively and commercially successful of the past half-century.
Everyone registered on this website should buy this album, not only because it`s
the best pop album of the year (at least), but to show Columbia what f------ a-----s
they were for cutting her loose (and, not incidentally, to reward S-Curve for supporting a rare but unproven talent when they saw one).
And you industry "heavies" who look in here from time to time could help her with a Best New Artist Grammy. I know I`m on the record as disparaging such things but mostly for trophy-laden legends (like Burt). It can mean a lot to a fledgling talent and none is more deserving than Nikki Jean.